
Showing posts from October, 2018


I found a book to read, turned, and saw an Ella with the fire rescue hat on, all the way down her eyes, with 毛虫 in her arms. She said "我是救火员。我有救火。" She kept saying 我有救火 while lifting her 毛虫. I asked if she had 救火毛虫. She kept repeating 我有救火. I asked if she'd like to hear a story, she slowly tumbled towards the table. I lifted her hat, she quickly went to the table. Mimi also came, asked "我的帽子呢。" I lifted Ella's hat, which was two hats in one, and gave Mimi one. Mimi said "我是救火员。。我的救火海豹!救火海豹!" She ran to the play room, yelled "救火海豹!。。。救火海豹!" Then ran again into the kitchen, and returned with hai bao.


Ella was riding the stationary bike. She asked "妈妈和我坐小火车。" I agreed and sat behind her on the seat. She had the moo baa lalala book in her hand. She opened it to the first page, said "我看地图。哦!我们迷路了。怎么办妈妈。" I asked her what should we do, she said "eennn." I said cow says, she quietly said "mu", I said the sheep says, she quietly said "ba", I said three pigs say, she smiled and looked at me, then flatly said "lalala". She stared at the book some more and rode some more, then she asked "妈妈我们去摘苹果吗。" I agreed. She climbed down from the bike. She turned to point at the table, said "哦我要篮子。" She was pointing at the school bus bag, I gave it to her, asked her if she'd like to close the zipper, she didn't answer and walked away with it. I noticed there was a hand towel on the ground, I picked it up and folded it. Mimi was playing with haibao inside the leg confines a fallen chair, the towel as on the other sid...


Ba ba fitted ella 孙悟空's 紧箍咒 in the morning while I was pooping. Ella busted in the bathroom with her 如意棒, stated a lot of things along the lines of "Ella孙悟空用如意棒打败妖魔鬼怪" proudly. I gave her a yellow sweater, she proudly said things along the lines of "Ella孙悟空传黄衣服用如意棒打败妖魔鬼怪" James cooked noodles for the girls for dinner. He mixed sugar and soy. Ella happily ate. Mimi ate a couple strings and said "我吃饱了。" Forcefully torn off her bib and ran away. She then came back to the kitchen area and climbed on top of the clothes dresser table. I was at the counter eating my instant noodle noodle, she looked at me and said "我要吃辣面条。" I told her please eat ba ba's noodle. She said "我不要甜面条。我要辣面条。" I got some togarashi and asked if she'd like some spicy flakes, she said "好的。" Climbed down, sat on her chair, and looked intensely while I did one shake. The one shake gave a loooot of tagarashi, I mixed and gave her a string. She slurpe...


We wanted to go to asian food center. As soon as we got in the car, Ella whined for "想吃蛋饼。" So we decided to go get RTC crepe. Mimi whined for fish, so I asked her to let me know when she finished crying and I'll give her fish. As usual she cutely said "我哭完了。" I gave her one fish, she whined "我不要一个鱼。我要很多鱼。" I grabbed a handful of fish and asked if she's like five fishes, she slapped and cried "我不要五个鱼。" I asked her to let me know when she's done with her tantrum, and started handing fish to Ella, who cutely ate. Mimi said "我不要五个鱼。我要两个鱼。" I gave her two fishes, she cackled and started eating. We parked on the back side of RTC, and walked pass lunchbox lab. Ella looked into the window and asked what they served, I said hamburger, and asked if she'd like to try, she said "大人吃汉堡包。小人儿吃小蛋饼。" After eating, we noticed the town center was filled with tents. I knew it was thriller dance day and decided to not come bec...


I borrowed new books every Thursday. This time in the 快递来了 book, a girl looked out of the window at the snow, said she wished it was spring and she could go out to play with her friends. Ella quietly said "她可以出去堆雪人呀。" Mimi bursted "不可以。" Mimi has been speaking faster and bustier every day. Ella said "可以。我让她去。" Lao lao reported today Mimi was in a bad mood. She has been sick and had a fever, finally in the evening the fever seems to be gone. During the day, Mimi went for her haibao, just as Ella grabbed it, she started bawling. Ella came back with the hai bao, offered it to Mimi, Mimi slapped and 不要'ed, Ella went away. Lao lao tried to calm Mimi. Ella came back, offered again, Mimi slapped again. Ella said "给你海豹你不要。你只要哭闹。" The girls asked for cheese, I gave them one each. Mimi ate a bite and spit it out, asked for me to split it, and I did. Ella pointed at Mimi's slices and demanded she wanted, and tried to reach over to grab. I asked ...


We took the girls to Microsoft after daycare. We got a tres sandwitch in the morning, I got a strawberry cream one for the girls for snack. James cut it into small pieces, the cream spilled out all over the pieces. Ella tried to touch her piece from many sides, while en en'ed, but always took back her hand. She always disliked sticky food. I picked up one piece for her, and she pinched it slightly and lifted it, and took a bite, she seemed to like it. Mimi did not eat as much as Ella, even left some bread pieces while Ella worked on cereal mixed with leftover cream. Mimi shyly said "要看踢球小人儿。" I asked if she'd like me to accompany her there, so agreed. We went to wash hands first, she was very good and waited while I wiped the counter, and scrubbed her hands 20 times. Out of the bathroom, she walked right to the fooseball room. A dad and daughter was already playing there, Mimi dragged me around, shyly said "有人了。" The dad and daughter soon left, and Mimi la...


The girls were in bed till 8:30, lao lao arrived right in time. Ba ba went upstairs and checked on them. Then I went, catching both sitting on bed. Mimi's cheeks were super red. Frank followed me, I asked the girls if Frank was here, who else was here. Mimi whined a long "ahhhhhhh", then yelled "姥姥!" Then said "我不想被狗踩。" I asked her if I could protect her go down the stairs, she agreed. She got hai bao, held my head, got to the top of the stairs. She extended left foot, didn't take a step, then extended right foot, didn't take a step, did some quick shallow squats, didn't take a step, extended left food again, didn't take a step. I offered to hold hai bao for her, she gave me hai bao, then slowly came down the stairs. Lao lao was waiting in the living room, she squatted down and extended her arm. Mimi took hai bao, dashed to lao lao, but Frank came out of nowhere and stepped in front of Mimi and went to lick lao lao, Mimi flapped her arm...


We picked up the girls after work. They were playing behind the toy table with the animals at the back corner of the back room. Ella stood up, announced "哦!我大便了。" She ran to us, with lots of upper body sway. I kneeled down, she said "我是一个很臭的小人儿。" I changed her and we headed out. We told to girls we were going to a restaurant, and asked if they wanted rice or noodles. Ella said "要吃米饭。哦!要吃面条。哦哦!要吃米饭。"


In the morning I took the girls to a bath. The first round of hair wash went fine. Ella rebelled by the 2nd round. For the 3rd round, I asked her 要冲还是要游。She said "要玩儿。" With her usual enthusiasm and smile. I asked many times, she kept stating "要玩儿。" I turned to ask Mimi 要冲还是要游, Mimi quietly said "要游。" I laid down Mimi for the final rinse, asked Ella again, she answered 要玩儿 again, so I got down the shower head. Ella started yelling "不要冲。冲的话我会哭的。" I asked 要冲还是要游 again, she regained her smile, said "要玩儿。" So I sprayed her down. Ella cried while I hosed her down, then cried sitting in the tub. I kneeled down, asked her if she didn't like to be sprayed, why not choose swim. She regained her smile, said "要玩儿。" Ba ba in the mean time had came to the bath concerned about Ella, he haven't even gotten to the shower to open the door to check, and heard the 要玩儿, he "wha@#$"'ed and immediately left. I farted in the ...


In the morning I took the girls to Ji's. When it was time to leave, the girls were still eating crackers. I told them we'll go to a cookie shop instead. On the way there, Ella kept saying "不要妈妈的摔饼干。我要饼干店的阿姨做的饼干。" I asked if she was saying my crackers were 酸, Ella yelled "妈妈的摔饼干。" Mimi also joined to yell 摔饼干。We got to Midori, I said lets go get cracker auntie's crackers, Ella said "不要。我要饼干店的叔叔做的饼干。" Once in the door, Midori had a glass case that's low at the girls' height. Inside there were huge challah, chocolate, and two other kinds of breads. The breads were huge, the challahs were bigger than the girls' heads. The girls excitedly yelled "我要这个。啊hhhh 我要这个。这个好吃。" I got one challah, one chocolate, and one pretzle. The girls turned to walk to the table at the back, I reckoned them out of the door, they seem a little confused, but still pointed at my bag yelling "面包oooo。" I stopped by the table out of the door to...


The girls watched 狼来啦 video on the ipad while we did morning routine. In the car I told the story again. In the middle, Ella suddenly started pointing to me, said "不要讲啦。。不要你讲。。。要pad讲。pad里有故事。" When pressed more, she stated she believed that ba ba can pull out the pad from under his seat, and play the story for her. Ella raged as usual when we arrived at daycare. Slapping us and pulling at the car door. Ba ba carried her for a little bit, until Mimi started yelling for ba ba and Ella started yelling for ma ma. We exchanged girls and held them in our arms, walked down the path to daycare. Ella had her arms around my neck, pressed her cheek flat against mine, sniffled now and then. We got to the daycare door. The room was empty. Ella asked "miss Haleemah 呢" repeatedly. Miss Punitha came to get the door, I put Ella down, she walked around and looked, said "miss Haleemah 不在。" Miss Punitha informed us that Miss Haleemah was in a parent conference. I got the in...


I was in the kitchen getting food ready, when I heard Mimi saying "给你俩玩具。" repeatedly. I looked, Mimi was throwing toys into the orange bowl, I'm not sure if she was indeed throwing two at a time. Ella had a horse in her hand, said "玩儿玩儿玩儿" every time Mimi threw, and punched the toys in the bowl with the horse. Then Mimi said "好啦。海豹玩儿。" She took the hai bao, dived it into the bowl, wildly swung it left and right, yelled "玩儿玩儿玩儿". The toys sprayed everywhere. Ella happily bit me goodbye, while stating "今天不去幼儿园". Mimi ignored me. I went out to door, saw Frank standing on the couch handsomely and quietly. James came out in a few minutes after changing and going to the washroom. Frank continued to stand there in the same pose quietly, and watched us drive away. When we came home, the girls ran to us saying "我要月饼。" We offered them some bread and yogurt oats cereal. They ate quite well, and washed well. I still denied them m...


Today there was ice cream in building 36. We roamed a little outside the building, finding all the berries disappeared. Then we came in to the cafe. Mimi held the door open for us, then stared at it as it auto closed. I brought a sticker puzzle. We did the puzzle while ba ba went to get ice cream. The girls did a good job matching the missing pieces. They were also very distracted, asking for ba ba's whereabouts frequently. Ba ba came back with ice cream and I went to get some. The girls enjoyed. Ella ate most of the nuts I hid in the ice cream bites, but started to spit out more at more. At the end she would only pinch the tip off the bite I offered. She then stole a spoon from ba ba, and snacked on ice cream juice. The girls loved the whipped cream topping, kept asking "要白的。" When we came back to work, Mimi was looking for her "金币". Lao lao didn't know what it was, Mimi disappeared into another room, then came back with a little round metal piece with a ...

09/2018 trip

We went on a Boston -> Michigan -> Toronto -> Michigan trip late September & early October. In Boston we visited 太姥姥. 太姥姥  offered the girls a little toy postal truck. The girls said "不要" at first, after some encouragement, Mimi took the truck. She immediately keeled down, pushed the truck wheels on the ground and then into the air, so the wheels spun fast, and said "weeeeee". Ella started saying "黑白相间" a few times to describe things. She was taught by lao lao. At 二姨姥's, one day I changed Mimi and tied up the diapers in the trash bag. Ella then requested to see the poop. I told her it's already in the bag, and left to throw the bag away in the trash across from the house. When I went back into the house, I heard some intermittent wailing. Will and I chatted a little, the wailing got louder, intense, then hysterical. Ba ba came down, informed me that Ella must see poop. I went upstairs, 二姨姥 and will were both trying to question Ell...


A new bubble tea shop opened in downtown Bellevue, we went to visit. I told the girls the shop sold 鸡蛋仔. As soon as we went into the shop, the girls murmured "鸡蛋仔在哪里" nonstop. The questioning got louder after we paid, the girls yelled "鸡蛋仔在哪里" while we walked through all the tables until we found an open one at the end. The whole shop turned to look at them, there were lots of awwwws. The first time we visited Qiben's place, the girls were offered some Velcro veggies to cut. After a bit, Ella sounded whimpers. GuoQing shu shu asked jer what was wrong, she said "刀没了" in the whiniest voice. Shu shu quickly found a knife for her. She took a piece of fruit, pushed hard and cut it open. She straightened her back, tilted her head up, held the knife tightly in her hand and the other fist raised on her side, said crisply "HA HA HA HA HA". She cut another piece and HA'ed again. We all stared at her, amazed how proud she was. One night I went to...


In the morning I heard chatter and wailing from the girls' room. I opened the door a sliver, wanted to play peekaboo with them. Ella excitedly said "姥姥。姥姥来了。是姥姥。妈妈爸爸在睡觉。" Mimi opened the door, Ella said stoically "是妈妈。" Ella asked to 画画. I gave her a piece of paper. She turned it and saw the horses were colored, said "哦。这个已经被画漂亮了。" James finished his morning interview and came out. Ella saw him, said "哦!你藏在工作的爸地方。" Lao lao reported, they went to the library, lao lao asked the librarian about story times, when librarian said hi to Ella, Ella said "我是Ella。她是Mimi。" She did the introductions again with the Japanese neighbor later in the day. We got a whole chicken from PCC on the way home. I was splitting the chicken, Ella came in the kitchen, said "我闻到味道了。" Mimi asked what I was doing, I asked if she'd like some chicken, she seemed to nod. I shredded some chicken for her. She ate them all. I gave her another handf...


I put Ella in her car seat in the morning. She pointed at the middle seat beside her, said "爸爸不可以坐这里。这是妈妈的座位". Ba ba said "Hahhh?" Ella said "你是只爸司机。乘客Mimi Ella 妈妈乘客". She said 乘客 twice. Mimi then yelled "爸爸!爸比ii!我的我的爸爸没了". Ba ba said "huhhh? 是的么?" Mimi yelled "爸a\/爸aaaa///!". Ella was distraught when we arrived at daycare. I carried her out like a sack. She wiggled down, murmured "要回车里" repeatedly while shuffling back. I lifted her again like a sack. She wiggled down, sniffled, lifted her arm and grabbed my hand, and began walking towards the daycare. She sniffled until we were at the door. When Hallemah came to get the door, Ella became distraught again. James and me carried out the morning routine of telling the girls we loved them and looked forward to picking them up after a fun day, etc, etc. While drowned in their loud cries and intense Ella bunny swings. After we got to work, we immediately received a message...


I gave Ella milk, then turned to do some chores. I heard Ella "en en en" urgent soft grunts. I went to check on her. She was holding her bottle grunting. I said 喝吧. She put the nipple by her lips, didn't lift the bottle at all, perched her lips on top of the nipple, softly sucked three times, then said softly "help". I tiled the bottle up, she started drinking. We went to Qiben's place. Evelyn led the girls downstairs. The girls were dazzled by the toys, stood in the room and looked left and right. Ella spotted the rotating fishing toy and asked for it. Evelyn brought it down on the carpet, and gave Ella a fishing rod. Ella sat there and looked at Evelyn fish, bounced on her knees, while holding her rod rigidly up. The second time Evelyn got a fish, Ella got extremely excited and swung her rod left and right super fast. The rod lashed Evelyn, Evelyn turned to me and cried, and whined about hurt hand. I scolded Ella, she stopped briefly, then restarted wild...


We went to Costco in the morning. It was cold and wet in the morning. When we got to the Costco parking lot, Ella said "怕太阳晒". We suddenly realized how the sun was shining and the car was warm. Mimi said "帮小兔挡上". She was really using her bunny to shield herself from the sun. Ella pushed cart with me. At the fruits section she saw grapes, said "我要小葡萄". I got the cheapest box of pu tao, Ella said "这个葡萄太大了, 我要小葡萄". I asked if it was OK if I cut it into small pieces for her later. She said "好的". And then "我要小葡萄", and pointed at a different box with small grapes. I got the box with the small grapes instead. Mimi appeared suddenly. She said "我要摸葡萄". I lowered the box, she carefully put her finger through one of the small holes on the box, at the deepest end, stretched hard, and poked a grape. She cackled happily. Ella did the same at the shallow end, easily poked one, and laughed. The girls quickly started to demand ...


We continued offering 360 cups to the girls for milk. Mimi pointed at the baby bottles and "wahh wahh" wailed. She refused to drink. We gave them straws with open cup. The girls would sip, but not swallow. They shared 1/2 cup milk. I played some new music videos in the morning, the girls were intrigued. Mimi like the 小兔子乖乖 with new video. After the wolf was turned away and bunny ma ma walked towards the house, she lifted her fist to her cheek, pointed out one finger, said sternly "兔妈妈回来了, 她不许大灰狼来的". I played even more new music videos in the car, the girls were very intrigued. Every time a video ended, ella said "要等时间哦". One time she lifted a finger and wiggled. James started drinking coffee. Ella immediately asked "这是什么味道?". We had a conversation about coffee. Afterwards, Ella sat back, said "Ella用Ella的鼻子闻了一下", she then took a deep sniff. I asked what she smelt. She said "是爸爸咖啡的味道". At work, ba ba received phone call ...


I asked my mom if she could cook some 馅饼 for me when she has time. Ella ran to me urgently saying "Ella要吃饼, 要吃馅饼, 要吃@#饼, 要吃月饼! 要吃月饼!! 要吃月饼iiiing!!" I said only after dinner will there be mooncake. Ella said "Ella 等吃月饼". Showed no interest in other food we offered, repeated "Ella 等吃月饼". After much disciplining from James, me, and lao lao, Ella seemed to have accepted moon cake has to wait till she consumes something else. Ella accepted some cheese, but demanded them to be “打开"'ed. Then Mimi also wanted some, and also demanded them to be shredded. The girls then traded the threads back and forth. After a while they started saying "Mimi牛吃草, Ella牛吃草". I offered Ella some yogurt, she refused. Just when I put the yogurt back in the fridge, as usual, Ella turned to me and yelled "我要酸奶". After a while, the girls started saying "Mimi牛吃草, Ella牛吃酸奶". Ella took a bite, and said "Ella的嘴怎么这么大呢". She took two bites. The gi...


In the morning, Mimi was happy to see me as usual, she ran to me happily, then wilded. Xiao E ignored me as usual, only gave me attention when demanded. Ba ba dropped Frank into the room. The girls wilded. Xiao E ran to pet Frank, then ran away, then ran back to pet Frank. Mimi ran across the room to the fence then to the window, looking at Frank on the way, said "Mimi和frank玩儿". Then she opened her mouth weirdly, with her lips tucked back, continued running, said "Mimi 笑, Mimi 笑". Xiao E said "ella 好高兴". Mimi took a half ball and a paddle, came to "喂frank吃饭". When asked what was the food, she said "蛋炒饭". Frank sniffed paddle, then licked Mimi face. Mimi ran away wiping her face. When asked if she liked the kiss, Mimi said "不要狗狗亲". We went to library story time. Xiao E spread cotton and made snowman with ba ba. Mimi loved drawing. She drew some and changed colors. She dropped the green pen cap. I requested her pick it up. S...


I got up and took Frank out to the yard. The girls saw me and ran to the window. Mimi was especially happy. When I came into the room, she yelled "MAAAAAAA!! MAAAAAA!! MAAAAA!". When we came back from work, we heard wild laughter upstairs. Lao lao reported the girls loved the cats. They came down to ravage our computer room. I took Mimi to shower. She played with the water light for a while, pretending it was food. I took xiao E to shower. She recognized the "水灯". Also "ben 哥哥的画". Which is the bath tile painted by Yoshi's son Ben. Last I mentioned it felt like a month ago. I took the girls to neighbour story time. Once we went in 霞姐's door, Mimi clung onto me. I didn't give her shoes, thinking I could drop her off and go back for xiao E. Alas, I took her back to the car, where I found a happy xiao E ha ha laughing to herself. I put shoes on Mimi, held xiao E in my arms. Mimi cried at the curb and refused to hold my hand, or follow me wh...


Ella greeted me with "今天我们不去幼儿园". I reminded her today was Wednesday and it was time to greet the horse and cow back at daycare. She ran to me, pushed on me, said "妈妈去幼儿园" repeatedly. I asked if Ella wanted to 哭闹 or watch video. Ella smiled and said "我要看小牛". She loved the cow Chinese character video I showed them two days ago, but I couldn't find it anymore. She settled for 多多学画画, and happily watched it while laughing and smiling. Mimi was a little distraught and demanded to sit on 姥姥. With some threatening of 哭闹 or video, the girls were changed. The girls tantrumed while being loaded into the car. I said I'll only pay attention to them when they stop 哭闹. I proceeded to brush Mimi's tears, and felt a little hand on my right arm. I turned to see Ella, she said with the cutest cern face "我不哭闹了, 妈妈你有什么". I asked if she wanted to listen to songs, she said "我要听新的". Alas I had no new songs, I offered them some old songs, they ...


We heard small cries from the girls. Upon entering the room, Mimi extended her hand, asked Ella "你要这只手么?", Ella said "不要". Mimi extended the other hand and repeated, Ella repeated also. I cooked a corn dog for the girls. Mimi peeled the corn, and fed me a dog. I gave the girls plates to put the dogs if they didn't want them. Mimi peeled and ate very fast. Then she went back to her dog plate and peeled more. Xiao E peeled very clean and very slow, and lost interest after a few pieces. James cooked instant noodles for us. Mimi demanded some, she slurped some noodles, started panting, I gave her water, she drank, then demanded more noodles. I offered to Ella, Ella said "我吃一口会辣死的". She eventually ate some too and was spiced.  Mimi braved through the spice. Ella asked me to open the fridge, I opened it, she said "我要cheezuuu" happily repeatedly. Mimi came over, while panting, whispered "我要酸奶". I gave Ella a piece of cheese, and ...


Ba ba poked xiao E's butt through fence. Mimi saw it, turned around, slowly backed to the fence, waited for ba ba to poke.


Lao lao prompted the girls to show us their instrument playing. The girls showed us fierce fights. Xiao E sang a few verses of 小燕子穿花衣. Mimi sang a few verses of 小老鼠上灯台. Then some 小燕子 too. Mimi was asked to give xiao E a blue crayon that was closer to her. She prepared to hand it to xiao E. Xiao E had one crayon in each hand already, and still wanted the blue. Xiao E put both crayons in one hand, Mimi saw it, said "ella 又两个!". And took the blue crayon back.


At Target, the girls saw some stuffed animals.  Mimi demanded to stop and play with the giraffe.  Ba ba held it up and showed it to Mimi, but then she wanted the tiger.  Ella wanted the bunny, and they clapped for each animal.  They learned how to say "pikachu" today, modeled with a big pikachu head. At the self checkout counter, there was a camera and a screen that watched you as you checked out.  Ella saw me on the screen, pointed at it, and said "看到妈妈!".  We played peekaboo with the girls through the screen. I took Mimi to shower, and gave her flamingo and water light. She grabbed them in one hand, got some water with the other hand, wiped the shower door, said "Mimi擦玻璃". With her shoulder as center of circle and her arm as radius, she diligently rubbed all she could reach. She played with the light a bit, put it in the water, said "woooh" when the light shun. Then she stood up, demanded "ma ma 开门, 放那里" repeatedly. I opened the s...


Ba ba reported in the morning the girls didn't get along. There was a lot of fighting over who gets to play with which toy and Mimi always lost. She was pretty upset. Given their fussiness, they were released from their play area before we went out for the day. They wandered around the house, grabbed some paper and some markers, and ran to their little desk. They each sat down and pretended to doodle on the paper. The marker caps were still on to protect the walls. I watched peppa with the girls, while pausing and quizzing them what was going on. They got some questions, like where was George's dinosaur? They answered "丢了".


I showed the girls videos of suwen's son 球球. The girls called him "球小弟" after a lot of coaching. They saw 球球's grandma and correctly identified her as "姥姥". Mimi saw another video without 球球's grandma, and asked "姥姥在哪里", "姥姥怎么了". I showed the girls a video of 球球 playing with paper, then another video of him eating some bread. Ella said he's eating paper, Mimi said he's eating an egg. After some babbling they agreed he's eating some paper. Mimi was not very happy. She had been waking up at night crying. The adults were hoping it will pass. Today she was quite cranky, territorial, tantrumy. After the tantrum. She hugged piglet zhu. She extended it to ba ba. Ba ba said "oh thank you mimi". Mimi snatched it back, swung her head to the other side, hugged piglet tight, said "ba ba 哭啦". She did it again. Ba ba cried, Mimi didn't seem to care.


In the morning ba ba offered the girls 圈圈. Xiao E said "不要圈圈". Ba ba offered the girls 饼干. Mimi said "不要饼干". The girls were offered both for breakfast. The girls ate gold fish in the car. After eating, Mimi played with her feet, she said "手脏, 脚脏". She was offered a piece of tissue paper. She proceeded to "擦手, 擦脚". After a while of cleaning her own body, she looked out the window and said "擦树叶, 擦大车, 擦太阳". In the car the girls happily chatted with me. The girls really liked singing open them shut them, and when I creep crawled from their tummy to chin. Xiao E was intrigued by the "人人" from a neighbouring car, and his hamburger. We got tofu 101, then went to factoria mall to eat. The girls were offered savory buns, the girls spit out savory buns. The girls were offered sticky rice, the girls spit out sticky rice. The girls were offered sweet buns, the girls spit out sweet buns. The girls stepped in red robin's outdoor s...