
A new bubble tea shop opened in downtown Bellevue, we went to visit. I told the girls the shop sold 鸡蛋仔. As soon as we went into the shop, the girls murmured "鸡蛋仔在哪里" nonstop. The questioning got louder after we paid, the girls yelled "鸡蛋仔在哪里" while we walked through all the tables until we found an open one at the end. The whole shop turned to look at them, there were lots of awwwws.

The first time we visited Qiben's place, the girls were offered some Velcro veggies to cut. After a bit, Ella sounded whimpers. GuoQing shu shu asked jer what was wrong, she said "刀没了" in the whiniest voice. Shu shu quickly found a knife for her. She took a piece of fruit, pushed hard and cut it open. She straightened her back, tilted her head up, held the knife tightly in her hand and the other fist raised on her side, said crisply "HA HA HA HA HA". She cut another piece and HA'ed again. We all stared at her, amazed how proud she was.

One night I went to 如意's because she offered us some plates. I pack some yarn for 多多. I asked the girls to come with me, Mimi immediately came and sat on the stair step. I dressed her. I asked if Ella wanted to go with me for a walk, she said "妈妈和Ella在家". She didn't budge after multiple asks. I left with Mimi. We crossed the street, met the Japanese neighbour. While chatting, we heard Ella's cries for 妈妈. I turned back with Mimi. Ella kept crying for "妈妈" until we got in the garage. I asked again if she wanted to go with me, she replied again "妈妈和Ella在家". Ba ba suggested he'd look after Ella, so Mimi and I again went on our adventure. 

Mimi talked a lot about "太阳公公没了, 他回乌云家了", and how the moon and stars had gone back home too. We arrived at 如意's place. Mimi took a lot of encouraging to go to the door, and immediately hid behind me when 如意 came. When 如意 talked to her, Mimi turned and said "Mimi转过去". When 如意 asked why, she said "去爸爸和Ella那里". 如意 also gave us some moon cakes. Mimi loved them and and chomped at them all the way back.

When we came back, Ella came to welcome us, looked like nothing happened. Ba ba reported that while we were gone Ella was mopey, laid on his leg while he's at the computer, with her head on her arms, and moped until we got back. 

One time at dinner Mimi ran away from her food. A common occurrence we thought due to her eating very fast. Ella picked up Mimi's bowl and ate the food. Mimi came back and became distraught. I asked if Ella could give the bowl back to Mimi. Ella refused, and slowly ate in front of a wailing Mimi. After she finished, she gave the empty bowl to Mimi, said "把碗给妈妈吧, 她会给你更多".


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