
In the morning ma ma heard little whimpery cry upstairs, she discovered a xiao E one in her crib. Xiao E whimpered with lower lip quiver. Ma ma stretched her arms, but xiao E shuffled away from ma ma. Quietly whimpered "rao rao" (the 姥姥), lip quiver, lip quiver, "rao rao". Ma ma stole the E one from the crib and brought her downstairs. Upon seeing lao lao, the E one regained strength, shuffled with her big jumper folded feet slowly to lao lao. Mimi put up a little protest in her big coat to distract xiao E from lao lao, but was distracted by her own desire for nai nai, and turned to lao lao to demand milk.

Grand ma ma reported once she changed xiao E in the bathroom and started leaving. Xiao E started saying "包包", grand ma ma was reminded of the bag left behind. Mimi today started saying "acbd". The adults inquired if Mimi was trying to say "itsy bitsy", Mimi only repeated "acbd" and didn't mutter anything about "spider". Xiao E was playing with lego today. She took a square block, then put some other blocks on top. When she found another square block, she took everything down, put the square on the square, and put some blocks back. When she found another square block, she again took everything down and put the square on the square on the square. And said "不一样".

The girls went to get some ramen dinner tonight. Mimi and ella didn't eat much of the ramen though. Mimi ate some chicken, ella snacked on little bits of noodles. Ella thought the restaurant was noisy, so she plugged her ears with her fingers to block out the sound. She then unplugged her ears and looked around, and then replugged her ears. Very strange.

The girls did some grocery shopping at the asian market. Ella kept trying to grab all the fruits at the market, just wanted to touch them. She kept reaching out going "NAAA", 拿. When Mimi saw the fruits, she said "好多苹果". Mimi was taken to snack aisle, where she suddenly started calling for "狗狗". Turned out to be honey bears. Mimi said the bear "戴帽帽", then proceeded to "打开"帽帽. Mimi was taken to another snack aisle, where she noticed "猫猫". Turned out to be koala cookies. Mimi said "打开", fondled a bit and picked up a  bit of the seal. Mimi was taken on an escape. 

They had tank full of catfish and ella was mesmerized by them. When xiao E was looking at the fishes in the tanks. She said "吐泡泡".


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