
The girls helped ba ba sweep. The tools were hard to maneuver. Xiao E slouch troll walked, Mimi had trouble moving the rake on the pavement. They were offered branches. They discarded the branches and picked up the tools. Ba ba finished sweeping, the tools were confiscated with a promise for bubbles. Ma ma put the tools away. Mimi followed. Ma ma came out, xiao E was at the door under the ledge where bubbles rested, expectantly "en"'ed at ma ma.

When xiao E was playing, if gor gor stared at her, she would say "ella 在做什么?". When the adults asked Mimi to do something, she would say "No!", stare at the adult, then say "为什么no ah?". When the girls see gor gor, they would say "gor gor 摁摁". Sometimes "摁键", at first ma ma thought they were saying en ji, the pushing chicken. Ba ba reminded ma ma the girls wanted to say 摁键盘. Mimi loved saying hey row (hello) to all objects. After the girls came back from playing outside, they sat on the stairs waiting for their shoes to be taken off. Mimi turned and said "hey row gor gor", xiao E also stretched forward and said "hello gor gor". Xiao E's car enumeration of the family e.g. "Mimi 人, ella ren, ma ma ren, etc.", "Mimi 吃, ella mao, ma ma mao, etc." included gor gor too.

The girls had a turbulent lunch, lots of whimper and throws. Xiao E must have her bowl and fork, was picky and didn't eat much. She was slapped by ma ma. Ba ba's loving kitty tour calmed her. Mimi heard xiao E upstairs, threw her bowl, said "Mimi 看猫猫". She was taken to see the kitties. Ri kitty and Ki kitty were both under bed. Lily came out briefly to play ball with ma ma, Mimi came on cackling too crazily, Lily ran back under the bed. Mimi found a TV remote and said "给猫猫看电视". Mimi found some batteries on the table and tried putting them back in the battery box. She couldn't find a spare spot to put a battery, ma ma lifted the flap for her to see, she found a spot and carefully put it in. The girls played till nap time. When the adults said it was time to sleep, Xiao E happily ran to ma ma for lift up,  said "ella 睡觉". The girls happily went to bed, babbled for a while, then went quiet.

The girls were taken to Bellevue square fun. The adults thought xiao E said something like "mao mao mao mao mao hei mao mao". The adults turned and saw it was a black cat wearing a hat. Xiao E had been very struggly in the car lately. Today in the car ma ma repeated the usual 上车车逛街街. Xiao E said "ella 不上街, ella 玩儿".

Then to Molly Moon. The grapefruit sorbet was a little weird for the girls. The road was frosted. Xiao E was into the sound of her shoes crushing the frost. When it was time to cross the street, ma ma demanded her either hold hands or be carried. Xiao E whimpered and flinched away from ma ma's hand, when pressed again, she said "ella 自己走". She was lifted. Mimi rode ba ba and went ahead. Ma ma urged xiao E to run fast and catch up to ba ba, xiao E was unmoved. Ma ma threatened xiao E run fast or be carried, xiao E began to run. The more she ran the happier she got, she was the fastest ma ma had seen, plus she was wearing her big cold and sliding on the slippery frost.

During car rides xiao E had been asking ma ma to "脚脚按摩". Ma ma used to count her toes and she didn't like it. Suddenly today when ma ma was massaging her foot she start counting, stuck her toes up, and started pointing and counting them, she even let ma ma pinch and count them.

The girls came home for the evening routine. Xiao E stood in box, the box wiggled, she said "小心啊".

Mimi held the little monster box while being changed. Xiao E lingered at the fence and made big arm circles, troll face, and repeated "taco鱼". Confused ba ba. The adults realized later she wanted the other game box and showed it to her, it had 大鳄鱼.

On the way to bed, the adults said ma ma bao mi, xiao E said "ba ba bao bao bao bao bao bao bao". They went to bed peacefully.


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