
We came home to angry girls crowding around lao lao. Lao lao told the girls she was going back to Surrey to see doctor. Mimi said "mimi ella的医生呢。" Lao lao said she needed Surrey doctor. Ella said "圣诞节Ella咳嗽了怎么办。" We wondered if she remembered we were going to Surrey for Christmas. Lao lao said she could go back to Redmond doctor.

At bed time Ella and I went upstairs, she instructed me to lay on the guest bed and I did. Ba ba stopped on the stairs with Mimi, apparently found a row of nails poking out. He got a hammer and started hammering them down. Ella started asking "Mimi在干什么呢?爸爸和Mimi在哪里呢?" She then got up, stood by the guest bed, said "我要去偷看!" excitedly. I said please let me know what happened. She went out, and I heard ba ba telling the girls to stand further away from him, and more hammering sounds. After some time Ella came back into the room, faced me on the foot of the guest bed, said "爸爸说地毯里有刺儿!" I asked if she was poked, she said she had not been. 

Ba ba finished fixing and led the girls in the room. Ella refused to lay down. She walked around her bed and repeated "但是我不累呀。" She then went to the door and tried to turn the knob, repeated "我要下楼。" I informed her she could when the sun comes up again. She said "我要在月亮出来的时候下楼。我要一个人下楼。" I allowed her to go out. Mimi followed and they fondled in the dark for a bit. I heard Ella say "我要回妈妈那里。" Ba ba led the girls back in the room. 

Ella requested ma ma to 盖被。 Ba ba and I were still playing role switch, and ba ba with his high voice tried to tuck Ella in, received many 不是,不要,and slaps. No whining, Ella just calmly called bullshit. I tucked her in. She started whimpering for 小软兔。 We couldn't locate it, suddenly Ella yelled softly "小软兔!" She then chuckled, and said "Ella找到了小软兔。在我的被里。"

Ba ba announced it was time for us to go downstairs. Ella said "妈妈你亲亲我。" Ba ba crawled over and said in high voice ma ma qin qin ni. Ella said "不是。" I kissed her with ba ba. Ella said "ennnnnn. ennnnnnnnn." I brushed her face, she chuckled, we left. The girls slept well.


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