
Lao lao reported xiao E said "xiao woo ma ma 坐这里". And pointed at ba ba's computer chair outside the fence. (This was the first report of "woo ma ma". Later it was revealed by "woo ma ma", xiao E was referring to herself).

Lao lao taught the girls to say song yue and jay mu 死. By the time the adults got camera out, ba ba's name had became sparky.

When the adults came home after work, Xiao E was unhappy to see them. She nonono'ed. She was taken to high chair. She continued to whine. Lao lao was afraid it was because she didn't nap. First bite of meat into xiao E's mouth, xiao E munched and stopped whining, no more whining afterwards. She remained happy the entire evening.

Xiao E ate almost all the yogurt oat bao. Mimi only took a small lip touch of the yogurt. She spit a little, looked at ma ma, hit her head, said "bad bad". She was offered some water, she drank, put down the bottle, looked at ma ma, hit her head, said "mimi bad". Ma ma hurridly corrected that Mimi was good, she was 小棒mi. Mimi hit her head, said "小棒mi bad". She drank more water. She ate some oranges. She saw ba ba eat seaweed, said "橘给ma ma, 要菜菜". She was offered cai cai in exchange of ju. Mimi flung her ju, said "要菜菜". When ma ma brought the cai cai, her ju had landed on xiao E's plate. Ma ma asked for the bargain ju in exchange for cai cai. Mimi looked left and right, then at ma ma, slowly put her hands up, quietly said "没啦", she looked almost sad. She was offered cai cai. The adults ate. They heard water bottle drop. Looked over to see mimi looking at ma ma. She hit her head, said "mimi bada bada".

Dada was flipping through cat in the hat with mimi and ella looking at the pictures. Ella pointed out everything and answered all the questions. What are the kids looking at? The cat. What is the cat doing? Holding a book. Mimi was so interested she climbed on dada's lap and blocked ella's view. Dada told her to sit down and she sat back down holding her minnie mouse plushie. When they got to thing 1 and thing 2, ella said "shake hand!", because the things are shaking hands with the children. Then everyone shook hands, even mimi and ella together. After finishing the book, mimi wandered off to play with toys and ella wanted to read it some more. So dada and ella stayed to flip through the pages together.


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