
I asked my mom if she could cook some 馅饼 for me when she has time. Ella ran to me urgently saying "Ella要吃饼, 要吃馅饼, 要吃@#饼, 要吃月饼! 要吃月饼!! 要吃月饼iiiing!!" I said only after dinner will there be mooncake. Ella said "Ella 等吃月饼". Showed no interest in other food we offered, repeated "Ella 等吃月饼". After much disciplining from James, me, and lao lao, Ella seemed to have accepted moon cake has to wait till she consumes something else.

Ella accepted some cheese, but demanded them to be “打开"'ed. Then Mimi also wanted some, and also demanded them to be shredded. The girls then traded the threads back and forth. After a while they started saying "Mimi牛吃草, Ella牛吃草".

I offered Ella some yogurt, she refused. Just when I put the yogurt back in the fridge, as usual, Ella turned to me and yelled "我要酸奶". After a while, the girls started saying "Mimi牛吃草, Ella牛吃酸奶". Ella took a bite, and said "Ella的嘴怎么这么大呢". She took two bites.

The girls pretend play going to daycare. Ella was woo ma ma, dropped Mimi baby in daycare, for ma ma teacher, while she "去挣钱啦". After they parted, Ella started looking for Mimi, asking "我的Mimi宝贝在哪里呢". She saw Mimi on the stairs and said "我的宝贝在楼上". Ella ran away, and came back with the hippo popper toy, climbed up the upstairs, said "这是礼物, 你猜猜看里面有什么呐". Mimi yelled "有球球蛋糕". Mimi pretend ate a pinch, said "蛋糕很好吃".

The girls caught lao lao, and went into her room. No promise of moon cake could bring them back down. Lao lao played with the girls and read them a book from the 卡梅拉 series. The book had a big monster with big teeth. Lao lao described the monster, Ella bared her teeth, made a squeezed face, opened and closed her mouth, and said "yearrrr".

When Frank is with us, Ella gets very anxious during sleep routine. She checks the stairs for Frank on the way up, keeps saying "不要Frank进来" with increase urgency. Once at bedroom door, she makes sure everyone is in, pushes us by the legs while holding the door in one hand and eyes on Frank, then quickly closes the door when we are clear.

Ella cried and I went into their bedroom. Mimi asked for me to stay on the big bed, I asked Mimi to

lay on her bed. She said "好的" in the softest cutest voice. I tried to put the blanket on her, she said "不要盖被, 我要躺被, 被是我的床" all in the softest cutest voice. I stayed a little bit and stood to left. Mimi shot up and said "妈妈小孙女?". I bit Mimi grandpa good night and left. Ella proceeded to cry more.


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