
Ella was riding the stationary bike. She asked "妈妈和我坐小火车。" I agreed and sat behind her on the seat. She had the moo baa lalala book in her hand. She opened it to the first page, said "我看地图。哦!我们迷路了。怎么办妈妈。" I asked her what should we do, she said "eennn." I said cow says, she quietly said "mu", I said the sheep says, she quietly said "ba", I said three pigs say, she smiled and looked at me, then flatly said "lalala". She stared at the book some more and rode some more, then she asked "妈妈我们去摘苹果吗。" I agreed. She climbed down from the bike. She turned to point at the table, said "哦我要篮子。" She was pointing at the school bus bag, I gave it to her, asked her if she'd like to close the zipper, she didn't answer and walked away with it. I noticed there was a hand towel on the ground, I picked it up and folded it. Mimi was playing with haibao inside the leg confines a fallen chair, the towel as on the other side of the chair. Mimi looked at me and said cutely "这是海豹的床。" I agreed, thinking the chair was haibao's bed. Mimi said again while I walked to follow Ella. Mimi then stood up and slapped me with haibao, yelled "这是海豹的床!" I realized the towel was the bed and gave it back to Mimi, she laid it between the chair legs and put haibao besides it. I asked if the towel was haibao's bed, she burstly said "这是海豹的床是的。" Ella came back by now, flung her lunch bag forward, a lego piece flew out. She said "妈妈你要摘苹果吗。" I agreed. She started turning and walking to the play room, then stopped and turned back, and grabbed my hand, said "要坐火车去摘苹果。" and led me to the stationary bike. She picked up the patty cake book on the ground beside the bike, said "这是新的地图。"


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