
I borrowed new books every Thursday. This time in the 快递来了 book, a girl looked out of the window at the snow, said she wished it was spring and she could go out to play with her friends. Ella quietly said "她可以出去堆雪人呀。" Mimi bursted "不可以。" Mimi has been speaking faster and bustier every day. Ella said "可以。我让她去。"

Lao lao reported today Mimi was in a bad mood. She has been sick and had a fever, finally in the evening the fever seems to be gone. During the day, Mimi went for her haibao, just as Ella grabbed it, she started bawling. Ella came back with the hai bao, offered it to Mimi, Mimi slapped and 不要'ed, Ella went away. Lao lao tried to calm Mimi. Ella came back, offered again, Mimi slapped again. Ella said "给你海豹你不要。你只要哭闹。"

The girls asked for cheese, I gave them one each. Mimi ate a bite and spit it out, asked for me to split it, and I did. Ella pointed at Mimi's slices and demanded she wanted, and tried to reach over to grab. I asked if she'd like me to split hers too, she said "不要!我要吃大块儿。我已经是大姐姐了。" Mimi bursted quietly "我是小姐姐。" The girls didn't want ba ba's cereal. We were firm and denied them all else on the ground that if they didn't like the sweet cereal, they wouldn't like other sweets.

Mimi wanted to drink water, I gave her a bottle. She said hai bao wanted to drink too. I grabbed the haibao from the counter, where ba ba confiscated it during dinner, put it on the kids clothes table, and put the other bottle of water by him. Mimi said "海豹要和我一起喝。" I put the haibao by Mimi water. Ella came and grabbed the other bottle, said "这是我的水。大姐姐也可以喝水。" She repeated a few versions of this for a while. Then said "海豹去喝水族馆的水。"

I offered Ella some cracker, she happily accepted. She said "我不要爸爸做的难吃的。我要妈妈做的饼干。" She ate a corner of two crackers, and ran away. Frank came, I asked her if I could give the crackers to Frank. Ella ran back, grabbed the two crackers, said "我保护饼干不是狗的。" Then ran away. I followed her, we read the 14只老鼠 story. After we're done, Ella offered me a cracker, I ate a little, she said "你把他全吃掉。吃完我们可以吃甜点。" I ate the cracker, she offered me the other, said "一口吃掉。" I ate it. She pinched on the table, and fed me "月饼,葡萄,西瓜,橘子。"


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