
I gave Ella milk, then turned to do some chores. I heard Ella "en en en" urgent soft grunts. I went to check on her. She was holding her bottle grunting. I said 喝吧. She put the nipple by her lips, didn't lift the bottle at all, perched her lips on top of the nipple, softly sucked three times, then said softly "help". I tiled the bottle up, she started drinking.

We went to Qiben's place. Evelyn led the girls downstairs. The girls were dazzled by the toys, stood in the room and looked left and right. Ella spotted the rotating fishing toy and asked for it. Evelyn brought it down on the carpet, and gave Ella a fishing rod. Ella sat there and looked at Evelyn fish, bounced on her knees, while holding her rod rigidly up. The second time Evelyn got a fish, Ella got extremely excited and swung her rod left and right super fast. The rod lashed Evelyn, Evelyn turned to me and cried, and whined about hurt hand. I scolded Ella, she stopped briefly, then restarted wild swing. Luckily Evelyn left. Jackie turned on the fishing toy and Evelyn came back. They fished while Ella looked, every now and then cackled and wildly swung her rod in the air. After Jackie and Evelyn left. Mimi got a fishing rod and started fishing. She focused intensely, followed a few fishes open and close their mouths, then suddenly got one. She lifted it and presented it to me cackling, she was so happy. She then fished a few more. Qiben and I congratulated a happy Mimi. We then turned and noticed Ella had one by her knee. She wouldn't answer when we asked how she got the fish. We caught her pinching a fish out by hand some time later.

James called us to make pizzas after he finished toasting some crusts. Jackie and Evelyn were very helpful. They spread sauce evenly, made topping mountain. James baked, I cut, Qiben took pictures, and instructed with guoqing. I offered the girls some cheese. Ella excitedly yelled "偷吃" and started eating. Mimi pinched each cheese thread delicately, put them evenly on her corner of the pizza.

Qiben gave the girls each a capri sun. I helped Ella put her straw in. Qiben asked if Mimi wanted juice, Mimi looked puzzled, Qiben asked if Mimi wanted 果汁, Mimi said "不要" with the quickest speed. Then "ma ma. ma ma." I went and put the straw in the pouch for Mimi. Walked back to Ella, offered her another sip and some cheese. And heard Mimi say "没了。" We were surprised to find her pouch empty.

Every time I went away to the counter to cut anything, the girls rhythmically and nonstop called "ma ma. ma ma". Ella interluded the ma ma requests with "妈妈我在这里。"

After pizza we headed downstairs again. Ella wanted to draw and I drew with her. Qiben and Jackie drew some outlines that she happily colored. Mimi suddenly came to me with a fish on a rod. She went back and forth and gave me a few more fish.

Ella found a doll in the doll house. She came to me, repeatedly asked "王子在哪里呢。她的王子在哪里呢。" Qiben found the prince, but prince's arm was broken. Possibly by the wild play led by ba ba. Jackie came to the rescue, but couldn't put back the arm through the sleeve. She turned the doll on its back, violently pulled apart the doll's clothes. All adults gasped. At this moment the pants slipped off Ella's princess. Ella said "不要公主光光aaang。" She distraughtedly tried to put the pants on, then distraughtedly asked me to help put the pants on.

In the afternoon we had a nice walk for a few hours in the Bellevue botanical garden. Ba ba had power struggle with the girls about picking berries, I had power struggle with ba ba, then we had a fun time walking rest of the way. We met many fluffy caterpillars, some James assisted in crossing. Once Ella asked "毛毛虫呢?" Mimi said "毛走了。"

I took the girls to shower. I lowered Ella into the bath, Ella peed a puddle. I put Mimi on the toilet training seat. I asked if she could pee. She squeezed a couple times, nothing came out. I asked 一滴也没有吗? Mimi said "一滴也没有。我要去玩水了。"

For dinner ba ba heated Costco lasagna. Ella violently refused. There was much whining from her and much negotiating from James and me. Mimi tried a bite, so we offered her broccoli when she asked for 别的. Ella firmly rejects trying even a lick. Once she said "但是那里有一盘难吃的东西". After an intense round of negotiating at the kitchen counter. Ella sniffled, made "ah en, ah en" whimpers, and walked slowly towards her table. She stopped at Mimi's end, took a broccoli from Mimi's bowl, ate it. I forbid her from eating again, and reminded her of the spoon on her end with the tiniest piece of lasagna in it. Mimi pushed her bowl away from Ella. Ella asked "我能吃Mimi的么。" Mimi said "好哒", and pushed the bowl back. Ella took another bite. I think Mimi's very empathetic when someone is sad. I prompted Ella to eat her lasagna again. She took the spoon, gave to Mimi, said "Mimi能帮我吗". Mimi ate the lasagna. I quizzed Ella about Mimi's chivalry, and asked what happened when Ella asked Mimi for help with the lasagna, Mimi said "Mi然后就吃掉了。"

I was pooping. Ella knocked on the door, I opened the door, she came in dragging a book. She said "臭的小人儿给臭的大人儿讲个故事。" Then she slung the book on my lap, said "臭的大人儿给臭的小人儿讲个故事。" She read on the floor while I pooped. We chatted a little. She suddenly said "小人儿想喝奶". While I was still producing stinky poop. I asked her to go ask dad, he'd happily give her milk. She quickly stood up, with some effort pulled the slightly closed door open, quickly ran away. I heard her say "你在热什么呢" two times.  I heard James say "huhhhhh?". I heard Ella say "你在热奶么?" I heard James say 没有. I heard Ella wail "ennnnNNNN?".


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