
In the morning I heard chatter and wailing from the girls' room. I opened the door a sliver, wanted to play peekaboo with them. Ella excitedly said "姥姥。姥姥来了。是姥姥。妈妈爸爸在睡觉。" Mimi opened the door, Ella said stoically "是妈妈。"

Ella asked to 画画. I gave her a piece of paper. She turned it and saw the horses were colored, said "哦。这个已经被画漂亮了。"

James finished his morning interview and came out. Ella saw him, said "哦!你藏在工作的爸地方。"

Lao lao reported, they went to the library, lao lao asked the librarian about story times, when librarian said hi to Ella, Ella said "我是Ella。她是Mimi。" She did the introductions again with the Japanese neighbor later in the day.

We got a whole chicken from PCC on the way home. I was splitting the chicken, Ella came in the kitchen, said "我闻到味道了。" Mimi asked what I was doing, I asked if she'd like some chicken, she seemed to nod. I shredded some chicken for her. She ate them all. I gave her another handful of chicken on her plate, she hurriedly and softly said "够了够了不要给了够了够了够了。" Her brows scrunched. She finished the chicken again. Ba ba finished cooking broccoli and offered Mimi some, Mimi said firmly "我够了" again and again, while fending off ba ba's broccoli offerings with slaps.


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