
I was in the kitchen getting food ready, when I heard Mimi saying "给你俩玩具。" repeatedly. I looked, Mimi was throwing toys into the orange bowl, I'm not sure if she was indeed throwing two at a time. Ella had a horse in her hand, said "玩儿玩儿玩儿" every time Mimi threw, and punched the toys in the bowl with the horse. Then Mimi said "好啦。海豹玩儿。" She took the hai bao, dived it into the bowl, wildly swung it left and right, yelled "玩儿玩儿玩儿". The toys sprayed everywhere.

Ella happily bit me goodbye, while stating "今天不去幼儿园". Mimi ignored me. I went out to door, saw Frank standing on the couch handsomely and quietly. James came out in a few minutes after changing and going to the washroom. Frank continued to stand there in the same pose quietly, and watched us drive away.

When we came home, the girls ran to us saying "我要月饼。" We offered them some bread and yogurt oats cereal. They ate quite well, and washed well. I still denied them mooncake in hopes they would eat some crackers. They did. They asked for "柿子。" I was about to wash it, ba ba denied them in hopes they would drink more milk, since we were trying sippy cup again today. They did. We poked additional holes in the sippy. Mimi drank with spills all down her chin. We had to bib her. Ella refused to drink from the "新奶瓶。我要白的奶瓶。" For some reason, she suddenly smiled and said "我要喝我的白牛奶。" And picked up the sippy, and drank nicely, her mouth never left the sippy and there was not a drop of spill. They almost finished their cups.

Ella picked up the fireman hat, said "上面有蜗牛,好粘" and threw the hat.

I sat on chair, Ella climbed on me. We played 拉大锯扯大锯. I told her it was 仰卧起坐, and exercised her belly. I stopped pulling her up and let her pull herself up. She did so well, at least 25 reps, while saying "小肚肚有力气。" I counted 1234, 2234. At 8234, she would say ""我们再玩儿一次好吗。" After one rep, she said "没有力气了。我们玩别的吧。" We sang a song, then she said "我们再玩儿一次好吗。" I asked what she wanted to play. She said "我。。我。。我想跟妈妈玩儿。" I asked if she wanted to do pull ups, she confirmed. We did at least 20 more reps, she again stated she had no strength. Then after some rest she did at least 5 more reps.

I went to prepare the pad for diaper change, I heard a grunt. I asked who was pooping. Ella was holding the table, she turned her head all the way back and looked at me, said "哦。我只能站着。" Then raised her hand and gave me a wave, said "不要打扰我。" She turned back, grunted again.

I changed Mimi first. Ella came with a book in her arms, said "小臭人儿有小臭书。" I asked her to put her book down and come up to hold the pad. She opened her arms, the book dropped to the ground. She said "小臭人儿放下有小臭书拿。。小臭pad。。看。。米粒儿老师。" I asked if mi li lao shi was stinky, she said "不臭。" I asked if only the pad was stinky. She said "米粒儿老师不臭只有pad臭。"

I went to get a good night book. Ella came to me with each hand on each cheek, and a super furrowed brow, said "我没有凳子了。我不能听故事了。" I looked, and her chair really isn't by the table anymore. I was just about to ask her, when she said "我的凳子在楼上呢。" She raised her hand and pointed upstairs, she stayed in that pose for a few seconds. I went to grab my phone to record her distress. When I came back, she was gone. I found her in the dining room by a dining chair, then got a video of her carrying a "新凳子" to the story table.

We read the kite flying story, where the girls seemed a little scared of the crab kite. We looked at the first page of the patty cake story, where the girls violently ate all the cooking. Mimi even "吃面", the raw dough the bear was making. I asked if I could put honey on, Mimi sweetly said "好哒。" Ella also asked if she could put honey on, Mimi pointed at her, said sternly "你可以加小甜圈。" Ella pinched a doughnut, put it on a cake, and nomed a bite. We read the good night story the Qiben gave us, and the girls wildly "打扰"'ed the animals. They then went upstairs and stayed quietly in bed.


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