
I got up and took Frank out to the yard. The girls saw me and ran to the window. Mimi was especially happy. When I came into the room, she yelled "MAAAAAAA!! MAAAAAA!! MAAAAA!".

When we came back from work, we heard wild laughter upstairs. Lao lao reported the girls loved the cats. They came down to ravage our computer room.

I took Mimi to shower. She played with the water light for a while, pretending it was food.

I took xiao E to shower. She recognized the "水灯". Also "ben 哥哥的画". Which is the bath tile painted by Yoshi's son Ben. Last I mentioned it felt like a month ago.

I took the girls to neighbour story time. Once we went in 霞姐's door, Mimi clung onto me. I didn't give her shoes, thinking I could drop her off and go back for xiao E. Alas, I took her back to the car, where I found a happy xiao E ha ha laughing to herself. I put shoes on Mimi, held xiao E in my arms. Mimi cried at the curb and refused to hold my hand, or follow me when I started walking. After a minute, she held my hand and walked to 霞姐's door. 衣姐 noticed us and wanted to come out to welcome the girls. Mimi was afraid again, refused to move, made sour face. I lifted both girls inside. Once inside, Mimi didn't cry. Xiao E climbed up the slippery stairs by herself. She found toys and played around, made many sounds. Mimi hang around me. She would go a few steps to examine toys, then come back with a toy, say "Mimi 坐 ma ma", carefully back up to me, until she sat on me, then start playing with the toy.

Xiao E was playful at 霞姐's house. She hi'ed 如意阿姨, and gave her glasses a smooch.

Xiao E discovered a magnetic drawing toy. She drew happily. Mimi stood up to play with a yo yo. Xiao E came to me with the drawing board and demanded to "坐mama". Xiao E sat on me and drew for a bit. She even figured out the eraser slider. There was a round magnetic piece, xiao E used it to stamp circles. 小郡阿姨 came to check on the girls, and drew a flower on top of xiao E's circle. Xiao E said "花aaaa". Ella stamped another, waited for 小郡阿姨 to draw, then stamped another, waited for 小郡阿姨 to draw. After a few times, 小郡阿姨 stopped drawing after xiao E's stamping, Xiao E looked at 小郡阿姨, "en? en?"'ed urgently. 小郡阿姨 drew another.

衣姐 came and claimed the drawing board. Xiao E sounded unhappy grunts. I explained that the toy was 衣衣's, xiao E seemed be the satisfied with the explanation, but still pouted with furrowed brows.

Mimi finished with yo yo, came back and noticed the drawing toy. 衣姐 just finished using it and left. The girls sat at opposite ends and started playing with the drawing board. They both wanted the pen, fight ensued. Xiao E cried loud cry, I calmed her. Xiao E went back to play, fight ensued again. Xiao E cried loudly, I took her to a different room to calm down.

When we came back, Mimi had found a push cart and was happily playing with the buttons. Xiao E dashed to it, said "ella的小车". Fight ensued, 立洁阿姨 brought a ball music toy for xiao E, xiao E was pleased. She sat on my lap and played. Meanwhile Mimi started saying "Mimi拿车给妈妈" repeatedly, and came closer and closer, then stopped. The cart was stuck in between the couch and the wall, Mimi lifted and pushed, while saying "Mimi拿车给妈妈", but couldn't budge it. Belle阿姨 rescued her. Mimi sat down with the car. Looked at Belle, looked at a cow on the car, said "牛. .....闷儿".

The girls played well while I chatted with 阿姨们. Mimi returned toys to 阿姨 and 衣衣. Frequently came to check on me. Xiao E was in her own world exploring toys while pouting.

衣衣's ba ba came home. Yi yi yelled "ba baaaaa" and ran into the other room. The girls hurried and tumbled after 衣衣, both murmuring "ba ba?". Xiao E tumbled back still pouting, and went back to playing with toy. Mimi walked back slowly, gazed at me, rubbed her eyes, went back playing with toy.

衣衣 offered the girls colored glasses. The girls were pleased. They let 衣衣 put the glasses on them many times.

It was time to go. I let xiao E wear shoes this time and held Mimi in my arms. Once out of the door, Mimi started whining, "ahhennnnn mimi的鞋鞋, mimi的鞋鞋". I explained they were on xiao E. Mimi strained to look down at xiao E. Xiao E looked at the car, said "ba baaaa! ba ba 坐..开..在车..里车". I put Mimi in her car seat, she looked left and right, said "鞋鞋?". Xiao E was he he laughing for some reason, I went to put her in her car seat. The girls came home, very happy to see ba ba. Then happily went through the evening routine and went to bed.


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