
In the morning I took the girls to Ji's. When it was time to leave, the girls were still eating crackers. I told them we'll go to a cookie shop instead. On the way there, Ella kept saying "不要妈妈的摔饼干。我要饼干店的阿姨做的饼干。" I asked if she was saying my crackers were 酸, Ella yelled "妈妈的摔饼干。" Mimi also joined to yell 摔饼干。We got to Midori, I said lets go get cracker auntie's crackers, Ella said "不要。我要饼干店的叔叔做的饼干。"

Once in the door, Midori had a glass case that's low at the girls' height. Inside there were huge challah, chocolate, and two other kinds of breads. The breads were huge, the challahs were bigger than the girls' heads. The girls excitedly yelled "我要这个。啊hhhh 我要这个。这个好吃。" I got one challah, one chocolate, and one pretzle. The girls turned to walk to the table at the back, I reckoned them out of the door, they seem a little confused, but still pointed at my bag yelling "面包oooo。" I stopped by the table out of the door to offer the girls some bread. The challah looked most appetizing to me so I torn a piece for Mimi. She raised her hand, then took it back, furrowed her brows, quietly said "我要黑色的面包。" I offered the girls chocolate bread, they seemed very happy with it, nomed quietly.

We got to Ji's place. Ella happily went in the door. Mimi turned, ignored my calls, yelled "BA BA... BA BA... BA BA" rhythmically. I lifted her into the door. Ella was already heading to the toy room, Mimi followed dragging me along.

After some playing, Mimi asked for bread. I took her to get some, offering her the challah again. She said "不要!要棕色的。" I offered her the chocolate bread. I also torn one tiny piece of challah and one tiny piece of chocolate and offered to 小山山。He looked for a little bit, then dived forward, opened his mouth, nomed the chocolate piece.

Ella loved the slide. She would climb on top, "哈哈哈" loudly. Then yell "我站的好高oooo。" She would then slide down. A few times she slid down so fast, flew out of the bottom horizontally, then landed on her butt with a thud.

The girls had fun with the tunnel. One end of the tunnel was blocked, the girls were in the tunnel fumbling forever, then emerged both happy. Ella said "我是毛毛虫。"

Mimi wanted to play with the hoola hoops. They were behind the bean chair Ji was sitting on. Mimi asked me to get them, I couldn't make out what she called the hoops. When Ji made eye contact, Mimi covered her eyes with one arm, while the other still pointed at the hoops, and she kept asking me "妈妈拿@#$@".

Ji's dad cooked great food. Mimi tried the beans, Mimi tried the sausage, Mimi tried the potato, Mimi then saw corn. Mimi tried the corn, it was too hot, she whined. Ella asked for some "心性包", I gave her a piece of pretzel. She took it and sat in the hall way and ate happily. Spinning on the hardwood floor. After a while she made it to the other side of the hall way, laid down, kicked the hand rail while eating. Mimi was distressed and called for Ella repeatedly. She even said once "Mimi 想念姐姐。" I asked Mimi if I could accompany her, she said "不要妈妈陪。姐姐! 姐姐!" Ella came laughing running a few times, then immediately ran out. Mimi eventually ate a bunch of corn.

It was time to leave. I was asking the girls to go out the door. Mimi dragged me to the kitchen, said "我们的野餐面包。" Ji's mom tried to bag the bread for her, I asked for them to keep it. Mimi reluctantly left.

The girls fell asleep in the car. I went home, got James, and we went to Costco. Ella pushed cart with me into Costco. When waited at the entrance for a long time, still no ba ba and Mimi. We went all the way back, found a tearful Mimi. Ba ba instructed us to go ahead, so we headed back to the entrance. Just when we were almost there, I turned and saw ba ba running pushing a cart with Mimi in it, Mimi stretched out hand to us.

We came to the fruits section. As last week, Ella 要'ed 葡萄。" But this time she wanted the "黑色的葡萄。" I got a box of it, we looked, the grapes were huge. I'm not sure if she realized it at that moment, she turned and said she wanted 小葡萄。I got a box of small grapes, and got the black grapes about to put them back, she followed me and excitedly said "我要黑葡萄。" I told her we can only have one box and asked which she wanted. She said "要黑葡萄。" I put the black grapes in the cart, and put the purple smaller grapes back. Now Ella started to repeatedly state "我是葡萄的主人。我要吃葡萄。" The grapes were again very dirty, I rubbed and rubbed and fed her. I instructed her to follow me to the bakery section, where there was less people. She said "我不要被车压死。我要在人少的地方吃葡萄。"

We roamed the back of Costco, running into ba ba a couple times, then went straight to the bread section to wait for him, as I had nothing else to buy. Ba ba finally came after a long time, told me he tried to find me many times around the fridge area, thinking there was no way we could have walked so fast. He also reported that Mimi ate many little hot dogs, and we decided to buy some. He went on his own, leaving me Mimi. Mimi wanted grape, I gave her one. She swallowed it in one bite, I asked her to chew quickly, she chewed, swelled juice and some pu tao out of her mouth. I caught the pu tao, it was still attached with skin with the part still in her mouth, she slowly chewed and swallowed all the pu tao.

After getting home we played a bit. Mimi asked to draw, and "要画马。" She saw the first page was goku from dragon ball, she said "不要kemehameha。" We looked for other pictures, she suddenly said "要kemehameha。" and accepted goku. She drew red (her favorite color) on goku's 2 hair tips, the middle, his left arm, right fist, and right pants, gave to me, said "我画完了kemehameha。"

We were getting ready to go to E's for dinner. I was looking through the menu trying to decide what to order at Little Ting. Ella came to me, dragged on my leg kept saying "ma ma, ma ma." I pushed her away. She came to drag and "ma ma" again. I pushed her away annoyed. She said "妈妈我爱你。我要和你玩儿。" I lifted her and kissed her all I could, she squirmed away, happily ran away to play.

The girls happily chatted in the car on the drive to restaurant. Out of the restaurant, Ella started asking for food, slowly turned into tantrum. She cried for food for a good 5 minutes. She then swung her bunny away from her seat, no one could reach it. She cried for bunny for another good 10 minutes. She stopped crying just when we went down Front street. I got her out of the car, she sniffled while we hurried all the way. I got the time wrong by an hour. We hurried out of the car, hurried in, hurried to the table. Ella was very shy and no'ed everyone. She cried when I left to put out food. I carried her and sat with her on the bench, the girls pinched between James and me. Ella clung to her bunny. It dropped on the ground a couple times and she was very distressed. She ate some food and became more excited, climbed the couch and slapped. Arman offered high five, Ella rejected. Arman made faces and asked questions. Ella seemed to have said to Arman in English "don't look at me."

I offered Mimi some spicy noodle, as usual she loved them. But it was truly spicy, she was sucking air hard. She even snacked on some cereals to calm the spiciness, then came back to it. Ella ate many 葱油饼.

The girls loved E's balloons. And playing balloon punch with Arman. I got a chance to finish eating. They then played with E a little bit with the balloons, although Ella refused to head butt the balloons like E demonstrated. After they got bored, I offered them the princess magnet. E immediately tried to play with them, she really loves the toy, the girls objected.

When we were leaving, Ella gave R a firm long hug when asked.. She then gave Arman a firm long hug when asked. She then gave E a firm long hug when asked. Mimi then gave E a short soft hug when asked. R blew kisses at the girls. Mimi put her hand on her lips, give shy little kisses without lifting her hand, but stared at each person while she smooched her hand.

I was pooping. Ella pounded on the door. I opened the door. She thrusted out her chest, said "我喜欢你换尿布。" I said of course, after I poop. Ella asked to see my poop. I informed her I just flushed and is ready to wipe my butt. Ella said "臭的小人儿尿了一泡尿。臭的大人儿。。。要!擦!屁!"

Mimi wanted her 海豹,she half heartedly looked around, then started whining. I held her hand and walked around and found her hai bao. Ella came to me and said she wanted her 恐龙。I remembered I saw it on the tv stand in the bed room in the morning, we must have left it there from the cat encounter last night. I asked if she'd like to go upstairs with me to retrieve the 恐龙。She excitedly ran upstairs. Mimi also excitedly came with us, and with hai bao. I let the girls in the room, but noticed Mimi's hai bao was missing. I asked Mimi if hai bao wanted to greet the cats too, she said "哦哦海豹", and ran out of the door, fetched haibao at the top of the stairs, and ran back.

Yesterday when we were playing with the cats, Mimi held a small battery, walked around saying "sucker" repeatedly. Today, she took a big battery, said it was "大瓶牛奶是海豹的", then took a small battery, said it was "吸管", put 海豹 down and stuck the small battery on top of the big battery, and into 海豹's mouth, said "sucker, sucker".

The girls took many paint cans back and forth claiming they were 饮料 for various animals and objects. The paint cans were everywhere on the ground. The batteries were laying in different places on the table, but all on the table. Before we left, I asked the girls to clean up the 饮料, and I meant the paint cans, because the batteries were 牛奶. Mimi immediately went to the tv stand, grabbed a few batteries, then one by one put them by each other. 


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