
I showed the girls videos of suwen's son 球球. The girls called him "球小弟" after a lot of coaching. They saw 球球's grandma and correctly identified her as "姥姥". Mimi saw another video without 球球's grandma, and asked "姥姥在哪里", "姥姥怎么了".

I showed the girls a video of 球球 playing with paper, then another video of him eating some bread. Ella said he's eating paper, Mimi said he's eating an egg. After some babbling they agreed he's eating some paper.

Mimi was not very happy. She had been waking up at night crying. The adults were hoping it will pass. Today she was quite cranky, territorial, tantrumy. After the tantrum. She hugged piglet zhu. She extended it to ba ba. Ba ba said "oh thank you mimi". Mimi snatched it back, swung her head to the other side, hugged piglet tight, said "ba ba 哭啦". She did it again. Ba ba cried, Mimi didn't seem to care.


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