09/2018 trip

We went on a Boston -> Michigan -> Toronto -> Michigan trip late September & early October.

In Boston we visited 太姥姥. 太姥姥  offered the girls a little toy postal truck. The girls said "不要" at first, after some encouragement, Mimi took the truck. She immediately keeled down, pushed the truck wheels on the ground and then into the air, so the wheels spun fast, and said "weeeeee".

Ella started saying "黑白相间" a few times to describe things. She was taught by lao lao.

At 二姨姥's, one day I changed Mimi and tied up the diapers in the trash bag. Ella then requested to see the poop. I told her it's already in the bag, and left to throw the bag away in the trash across from the house. When I went back into the house, I heard some intermittent wailing. Will and I chatted a little, the wailing got louder, intense, then hysterical. Ba ba came down, informed me that Ella must see poop. I went upstairs, 二姨姥 and will were both trying to question Ella and comfort her. I forgot what I said, but she calmed down. 二姨姥 asked Ella if she was spoiled by 姥姥, Ella said
"不是。" 二姨姥 asked why did she cry so hysterically, Ella said "我没有。" 二姨姥 said Ella indeed cried, and 二姨姥 was scared, Ella said "我没有。" Later Ella also pooped and requested to see her poop. I showed it to her, she laughed and seemed satisfied. Looking at poop had been a regular request from Ella, and she still requests it until the time of writing 10/17. Once she looked at her poop, and said "我知道这是什么。米饭南瓜橘子。"

At 二姨姥's, every night when Mimi got into our bedroom, would ask “will 叔\/叔/呢?". And drag my hand to see will downstairs, say good night, then come back up.

Mimi pointed out a 南瓜 on 二姨姥's counter. We offered it to her. She then cutely said with the softest voice "南瓜" repeatedly. Whatever the adults asked. Whose nai gua is this?, Mimi: "南瓜". Is it a small nai gua?, Mimi: "南瓜". Is your nai gua sweet, Mimi: "他是生的".

On the long drive to Hamilton, I rode in the back of the car trying to keep the girls from wailing. I said I'll tell a story, then we can watch 多多画马. The story took a long time, because the girls, mostly Ella, whined and whined. But we finished with some good interaction from the girls, and they quietly looked out the window. After a while, Ella turned to me, said "妈妈, 妈妈, 妈妈, 可以看多多画马了么".

Mimi loved to say she "憋尿了", "尿湿了", while bowling her legs and walking awkwardly. In Toronto after lunch with Jessica Best, Mimi refused to walk through an intersection, repeatedly said "我憋尿了", "尿湿了". After a while we realized she really was wet from pee, her diaper had broke.

We reclaimed our car from park n jet. Loaded the girls in it. Mimi rubbed the back car seat with her feet, said "毛毛车。这是我们的毛毛车". She giggled and said mao mao che repeatedly. Ella also picked up the habit. As of this writing on 10/17 the girls were still rubbing car seat while saying 毛毛车.


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