
Ella greeted me with "今天我们不去幼儿园". I reminded her today was Wednesday and it was time to greet the horse and cow back at daycare. She ran to me, pushed on me, said "妈妈去幼儿园" repeatedly.

I asked if Ella wanted to 哭闹 or watch video. Ella smiled and said "我要看小牛". She loved the cow Chinese character video I showed them two days ago, but I couldn't find it anymore. She settled for 多多学画画, and happily watched it while laughing and smiling. Mimi was a little distraught and demanded to sit on 姥姥. With some threatening of 哭闹 or video, the girls were changed.

The girls tantrumed while being loaded into the car. I said I'll only pay attention to them when they stop 哭闹. I proceeded to brush Mimi's tears, and felt a little hand on my right arm. I turned to see Ella, she said with the cutest cern face "我不哭闹了, 妈妈你有什么". I asked if she wanted to listen to songs, she said "我要听新的". Alas I had no new songs, I offered them some old songs, they was absorbed immeidately. Mimi watched with a pouted lower lip and tightly receded upper lip. The girls got happier and happier, started describing the videos as they played. "小鸭从海草里转出来了", "螃蟹打雨伞". I offered them "少林功夫" or a different song, they both wanted 少林功夫. Again and again. They loved when the monkey can't hang on to the tree branch at the beginning of the video. Ella said "猴猴要爬上去了". I reminded her 猴猴 is falling, then the girls happily repeated "猴猴要掉下来了" while laughing each time the video was played.

When we arrived at daycare, Ella continued her tantrum. Ba ba successfully shoed Mimi and took her into the room. Ella pushed me in and pushed the door closed behind me, and refused to come in. I wanted her to take some time to calm down, but Haleemah informed me we can't leave a kid outside by herself. Ella continued tantrum when I stood by her. I gave her to option to go back to the car to sit and she went. I was ready to take her buckled in the seat to my office the whole day. James reminded me how troublesome it was. We talked about it on the walkway to daycare, and I decided to take Ella to daycare. I opened the car door, found a peaceful Ella, and plucked her from the seat.

She seemed shocked and held on me tight while crying about "我不要去幼儿园". She didn't struggle though, so I took her to the daycare room. We also found a crying Mimi at the table. I left quickly, James put shoes on Ella and left too.

Haleemah was doing Mimi's hair while we came in the door. Ella ran to us. Mimi, unable to move, started crying. Haleemah quickly did a cute bun for her and released her. Ella ran to me and said "在幼儿园不开心". Another kid came and imitated her talk, Ella said "不是别的孩子的妈妈, 是我的妈妈". She then went to take off her shoes. I helped her put on boots. She said "鞋子里又什么啊". She asked a few times, so I asked her what's inside? She said "有石头". I forgot about it when we got to the car, and ba ba found large amounts of sand the next time he tried to put the boots on.

Haleemah gave us two test sheets to fill out for the girls. Most are empty, except Ella had count to 6 circled. Haleemah said when asked to count, Ella counted in the most quiet voice and trailed off.

Mimi was asked to return her shoes to her cubby. There were lots of kids around that area, she seemed shy, tried to give the shoes back to ba ba, said "Mimi没有办法了". Ba ba helped her put the shoes back, she said "ba ba 可以".

I gave Ella a bottle of water in the car, but can't find Mimi's. I vaguely recalled seeing a bottle of water on the counter at home. Mimi requested water, I asked if Ella could share, Ella refused, "不要", "是Ella的", "Mimi不可以, ma ma 不可以, ba ba 不可以". I mentioned lao lao might have taken a water and forgot at home. Ella repeated it, and said "姥姥不会把水瓶那来的harc harc", she laughed the most menacing laugh. Mimi said "姥姥做错事了, 我们打, 打姥姥", and made slapping gestures.

The girls snacked some and played some Foosball. 姥姥came to pick up the girls. Mimi was very excited, kept saying "我们的姥姥" and pointed at lao lao. Ella held my hand and walked happily. She was distracted by the greenhouses in the cafe, took time to look at each house. She then asked to be lifted to see the salad bar. I gave her a piece of ice from the salad bar, she held it in her hand. Ba ba came by, Ella gave the ice to him. Just when we were throwing the ice away, she wanted it again. She held it in her hand, with her fist facing up, the ice dripping, happily walked ahead.

Ella got pinched by the automatically closing door on the way out, the door opened again after hitting her. She looked back, said "妈妈把他关上". We waited, and the door started closing automatically again, she said "门已经自己关上了".

We took her ice before going into the car, promising there'll be more on Friday. As I was buckling her, she said "我以为冰块时钥匙呢". She did not answer what kind of key.

After work we met lao lao in Costco and exchanged car. Mimi yelled for "姥姥" briskly and loudly many times. When we informed her lao lao went home to rest, she merely continued yelling every now and then.

Once out of the car, it was already dark. Mimi asked where was the fire trucks. After walking a little she spotted one, excited yelled "救火车". She then scooted left and right and looked, and seemed to have lost sight of it, and continued walking. I said the fire trucks are just down the hill. Mimi said "我怕会叽里咕噜" (rolling down the hill). We turned the corner and fire trucks were in plain sight. Mimi excitedly yelled "救火车会 beep beep 么? 救火车好可爱哦".

We came to the truck, I asked if Mimi wanted to ride in the truck, she was shy and didn't want to, she started hiding. I said she could even beep the truck, she said "不要beep beep".

A firemen offered the girls fire hats. Mimi worn it cutely, Ella preferred it off. They were too shy to high five fire fighter sparky. Mimi held my hand and dragged me to see the ambulance. She was too shy to get on, mince her lips and held her hands together while I encouraged her. Cora suddenly appeared, and urgently went on the ambulance. Mimi walked closer and let me lift her onto it. She walked around a little, found a door, yelled loudly to the outside "BA BA! ELLA!". I looked outside, neither was in sight.

After walking around the inside some more, I took Mimi to the front to see if she would sit in the driver's seat. Mimi refused. Cora urgently went on. Ella appeared suddenly, wildly ha ha ha'ed and danced around. I took a video of her with flash on, after I finished and the flash went off, she said "火都灭了".

We went for a tour of the firemen rooms. Ella asked about what everything was loudly, and cutely.

When we got home, lao lao appeared. She quizzed the girls about their adventure. When asked how big was the fire truck, Ella said "他比我大多了". Lao lao loved the girls wearing the fire hats. Mimi worn her hat, Ella threw hers repeatedly. Lao lao picked it up and put it on. Ella went to lao lao, with a big cern face, took it off, said "这是Ella的". When asked if she could share with lao lao, she said "不可以".

I tried to use the 360 cups as milk cups, following the dentist's instructions. I put the cups on the table. Both girls stared, I told them it was milk, then both stepped forward, grabbed the cups, and started drinking at the same pace. After a few sips, Ella asked "这是奶么?", with a very cern face. When asked what she thought, she said "很像奶. 像奶.“

After milk, Ella climbed high up on the staircase from the outside. Ba ba offered to help her down, she said "我要自己", and made no moves. Ba ba asked again, Ella said "我要自己在高高的地方". Lao lao eventually convinced her to come down. She ran into the living room saying "那么我爬妈妈的头." She saw ba ba sitting on the groundd, said "那么我爬爸爸的背上”. Ba ba let her climb on and kneel on his back while he was doubled over and cried.

I heard cry from the living room and went to check. One was hitting the other's head with the plastic orange. I forgot who it was, but they both agreed it was Mimi's orange, but Ella also wanted it. I led Ella to the fridge to offer her a real orange to play with. Ella wanted cheese instead. Mimi wanted an orange. She took the orange to the plastic orange, picked both up, said "捧着两个大橘子"

Ella requested me to peel the cheese, I shred it into strings. She picked up one, poked me in the face, I asked why she forked me, she gave her mischievous cute smile. I picked up one and poked her in the face, she said "不可以", took the cheese, said "这是吃的东西。不可以用它做玩具". Frank came to sniff Ella. She tried to stab Frank with her cheeses, saying "Ella 用 cheezu叉了他".


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