
The girls watched 狼来啦 video on the ipad while we did morning routine. In the car I told the story again. In the middle, Ella suddenly started pointing to me, said "不要讲啦。。不要你讲。。。要pad讲。pad里有故事。" When pressed more, she stated she believed that ba ba can pull out the pad from under his seat, and play the story for her.

Ella raged as usual when we arrived at daycare. Slapping us and pulling at the car door. Ba ba carried her for a little bit, until Mimi started yelling for ba ba and Ella started yelling for ma ma. We exchanged girls and held them in our arms, walked down the path to daycare. Ella had her arms around my neck, pressed her cheek flat against mine, sniffled now and then. We got to the daycare door. The room was empty. Ella asked "miss Haleemah 呢" repeatedly. Miss Punitha came to get the door, I put Ella down, she walked around and looked, said "miss Haleemah 不在。" Miss Punitha informed us that Miss Haleemah was in a parent conference. I got the indoor crocs, Ella sat down. While I put on her shoes, she repeated "bye bye ma ma, 我们去幼儿园啦,我们上学啦。" After I put on the shoes, she said "我们去画画啦。" James heard Ella, and asked miss Punitha if Ella could draw, Miss Punitha quickly got paper and crayons, and pulled out a chair. Mimi got to the chair first, still wailing, took a crayon, wailed something, started drawing while still crying. Ella walked past Mimi, pulled out another chair, sat down, got a crayon, and started drawing. I got a video of her saying goodbye.

We picked up the girls and went to get some gas. On the way out of the gas station, the sun shun into the car. Ella said "Ella 姥姥被晒。" Mimi said "ahhchooooooo." Ella said "一点都不搞笑。我要被挡住。"

We came home from work. Lao lao got ready to go. I helped lao lao get ready, while the girls asked James to see the cats. Lao lao said goodbye and caught the girls on the way up the stairs. Ella turned, came down the stairs while saying "我要抱抱你。你等一下。等一下。我要抱抱你。" She came down and hugged lao lao, and gave her a loud kiss. Mimi also came down for hugs.

I went to get some cat food to lure the cats out. I heard Mimi sing 猫猫猫 猫猫猫 猫猫猫猫猫 in the tune of jingle bells.


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