1/7/2021 - Thursday (day off)

The girls loved the cats at the whole cat and kaboodle. They requested I make $10 so they can pet "别人的猫". We discussed the possibilities of them making $10, and why not take advantage of our free cat. Ella wanted to pet a particular striped cat. Mimi laughed uncontrollably and mewed and skipped around. There was a kitten too! Very cute and soft looking. 

On the way back from yifang the Ella wanted to know when the dinosaurs went extinct, did the mammals rejoice. I explained they didn't rejoice like throw a party, but the did find it easier to get more food and get bigger, so possibly happier. 

Ella was very happy she could pick up a cutout dinosaur whole (tearing away a little from surrounding dough) and transfer it safely to the baking sheet. Mimi was very strict that the dinosaurs can't be too close together, and kept rearranging them. She received a thick doughed dinosaur. I thought it was kind of think but ignored it, while I was cutting others I noticed her flattening it out with her palms. She noticed me looking, chuckled, and said "我要压平一点".

The girls wanted boba water, then mixed it with orange juice a water. Mimi drank one sip and asked me to compose hers. Ella drank some and asked to save it for her in the fridge, I "composed" them.


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