
Ba ba fitted ella 孙悟空's 紧箍咒 in the morning while I was pooping. Ella busted in the bathroom with her 如意棒, stated a lot of things along the lines of "Ella孙悟空用如意棒打败妖魔鬼怪" proudly. I gave her a yellow sweater, she proudly said things along the lines of "Ella孙悟空传黄衣服用如意棒打败妖魔鬼怪"

James cooked noodles for the girls for dinner. He mixed sugar and soy. Ella happily ate. Mimi ate a couple strings and said "我吃饱了。" Forcefully torn off her bib and ran away. She then came back to the kitchen area and climbed on top of the clothes dresser table. I was at the counter eating my instant noodle noodle, she looked at me and said "我要吃辣面条。" I told her please eat ba ba's noodle. She said "我不要甜面条。我要辣面条。" I got some togarashi and asked if she'd like some spicy flakes, she said "好的。" Climbed down, sat on her chair, and looked intensely while I did one shake. The one shake gave a loooot of tagarashi, I mixed and gave her a string. She slurped half, then opened her mouth, breathed heavily. I gave her water, she took huge gulps for 30 seconds. I then asked if the spicy level 可以吗, she said "可以。" I asked if she wanted to work on her spicy noodles, she said "我要吃辣面条。" She worked on it diligently, sucking air and drinking water for cool down. After a few minutes, she asked for "菜花". I asked if the noodles were too spicy, she concurred. I offered her some yogurt mix, asked if it made the spice better, she said "感觉好一点。"

Mimi finished eating first, ran to ba ba for hand wash. I asked if we could offer her leftover yogurt to Ella, she ran back, pushed the bowl a little towards Ella, said "是你的啦。" and ran away again. Ella sat with both bowls, mixed them together, with some egg and seaweed. As I'm typing I'm finishing up her mix at work. Mimi came and wanted to mix too. I didn't want her to get her hands dirty again, so offered her playdough, she excitedly accepted. She started "和面" cutely and diligently on the chair. Pinching little pieces and rolling by one hand on the chair. Mimi played at the chair while Ella mixed a little more.

When Ella finished we went to wash hands. She climbed on the ladder, as soon as she saw herself in the mirror, she said "我是孙悟空。" We finished washing hands. She looked into the mirror, said "孙悟空有黄色的衣服。。和黄色的袖子" and rubbed her sleeves. She then looked into the mirror again, said "我有两个辫儿辫儿。孙悟空有两个辫儿辫儿。。如果。。如果有一个辫儿就是小人儿了。" We had some chats about the 辫儿. She then said "孙悟空的却穿着黄黄的衣服。"

Ella came back and wanted to play with the playdough. Mimi guarded them and slapped at Ella. I started cleaning up and didn't pay attention. Then I heard 咚咚 foot steps of the girls running. I turned to see Mimi chasing Ella with extended hand, just turning around the corner of the dining table. I asked if they were fighting. Ella ran all the way around the dining table, with furrowed brow, and Mimi behind, said "救命啊救命啊。" I gave Ella a different piece of playdough.

The girls had been fighting all day. Ella seemed to take Mimi's stuff, and Mimi seem to be overprotective of things she thought was hers. Mimi seemed to need space and Ella attention and play company. Ella also had taken on gatekeeper role for the gate by the playroom, and refused Mimi and ba ba from going through whenever she noticed. There were slapping, hand to hand pushing, which had been ending in Mimi hair pulling Ella and Ella in a crying mess for the day. I was doing the dishes when the girls started scuffling. Seemed to be door related, I ignored. Then I heard a loud cry from Mimi, she slowly stumbled into the kitchen, held her hand, cried uncontrollably. I quickly washed my hand and looked at Mimi's hand, there were 4 little deep indentations on her index finger. I hugged her and got a bandaid, Mimi cried for baba. I asked if I could put on a bandaid, she stopped crying, and tried to give me a finger, but kept giving me the middle finger. I helped her separate her index finger and put a bandaid on. I asked her who bit her, she said "姐姐iiieee。" with furrowed brow. Ella and ba ba came to us now. Ella silently looped around us. I narrated that Mimi pulled jie jie's hair and jie jie bit Mimi's finger. The girls silently sat and looped, then resumed playing.

I was in the play room organizing clothes when Ella ran to me with two small lego pieces on top of each other, said "墓碑". I took the pieces, she laid down on the ground, said "我死了。" I put the grave by her and prayed. Mimi also ran into the room, crunched down and curled into a ball on the clothes box lid, she said nothing, just curled there silently with her face burried. Seemed like she was died too.

I got clothes out of the dryer and threw them in the living room. I turned off the lights, informed the girls it was almost time to go up to bed, and went to do some other chores. When I came back, Ella had put a bunch of clothes on top of the rocking bunnies, in the dark. They laid perfectly covering the bunnies from head to tail, including towels, clothes, and James's panties. Ella repeated "给兔子穿上了小古汤。" She wouldn't explain what 小古汤 was.


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