
We heard small cries from the girls. Upon entering the room, Mimi extended her hand, asked Ella "你要这只手么?", Ella said "不要". Mimi extended the other hand and repeated, Ella repeated also.

I cooked a corn dog for the girls. Mimi peeled the corn, and fed me a dog. I gave the girls plates to put the dogs if they didn't want them. Mimi peeled and ate very fast. Then she went back to her dog plate and peeled more. Xiao E peeled very clean and very slow, and lost interest after a few pieces.

James cooked instant noodles for us. Mimi demanded some, she slurped some noodles, started panting, I gave her water, she drank, then demanded more noodles. I offered to Ella, Ella said "我吃一口会辣死的". She eventually ate some too and was spiced. 

Mimi braved through the spice. Ella asked me to open the fridge, I opened it, she said "我要cheezuuu" happily repeatedly. Mimi came over, while panting, whispered "我要酸奶". I gave Ella a piece of cheese, and reached for a cup of yogurt. Mimi looked at the yogurt I got, said "我把酸奶弄坏了, 吃了小果果". Lao lao showed us one cup of yogurt where Mimi bit through cherry drawing on the top. 

Mimi dropped her yogurt spoon, got lots of yogurt on her foot and the floor. Ba ba wiped up for her. Mimi laughed and said "酸奶Mi有酸奶脚".

Ba ba did math with the girls while I finished eating. Ba ba reported it was a mess but very fun. 

When I was in the bathroom I heard cries outside. Then heard ba ba asking the girls to make up. After a while ella came in the bathroom. I asked if she fought Mimi. She said "我们没有打架再见", when out and locked the door on me.

I drew with the girls. I attempted to draw the Chinese characters and pictures that look like them, by copying from the letter cards. The girls were completely uninterested.

Ella ran through a stack of paper, finding them all partially colored, and asked for "新的". She picked a horse, and asked for "我要新的马". She found a pusheen with uncolored wings and colored a little, then asked for "新的" again. I prompted her to fill in some blanks for pusheen, like feet, gears. She colored what I pointed out only, but diligently. Pusheen's little feet were filled out nicely. She was also very interested in the work "齿轮" that I said, and repeatedly asked what was it.

Mimi was pretend playing and running around. I drew a horse outline, Mimi saw it, and grabbed it. I said I'm not done yet, she still wanted it. After she placed it in front of herself, she drew a big round eye right in the place where it should be. Ella then came and kept asking Mimi to "画耳朵". Mimi carefully drew two straight lines on top of the horse.

I gave Ella a horse outline too. She drew a mangled eye. I prompted her to draw ears. She drew two long zigzag lines on the top of the horse, like antennas.

We read 古纳什小兔又来了 together. In one part, tracy tells her dad about all the friends she wants to show her bunny too. Ella remembered the first four friends' names perfectly, and they were all english names translated by sound like 简妮.


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