
We went to Costco in the morning. It was cold and wet in the morning. When we got to the Costco parking lot, Ella said "怕太阳晒". We suddenly realized how the sun was shining and the car was warm. Mimi said "帮小兔挡上". She was really using her bunny to shield herself from the sun.

Ella pushed cart with me. At the fruits section she saw grapes, said "我要小葡萄". I got the cheapest box of pu tao, Ella said "这个葡萄太大了, 我要小葡萄". I asked if it was OK if I cut it into small pieces for her later. She said "好的". And then "我要小葡萄", and pointed at a different box with small grapes. I got the box with the small grapes instead. Mimi appeared suddenly. She said "我要摸葡萄". I lowered the box, she carefully put her finger through one of the small holes on the box, at the deepest end, stretched hard, and poked a grape. She cackled happily. Ella did the same at the shallow end, easily poked one, and laughed. The girls quickly started to demand "吃葡萄". It was the dirtiest box of grapes. Ba ba and I wiped and wiped. The girls ate and ate. Ba ba put Mimi in his cart to make it easier to feed. Ella demanded to be put in my cart. Ella had rejected cart for a long time now. She ate grapes, said "我是葡萄的主人". She turned 90 degrees and tried to reach the grapes box at the other end of the cart, said "我要够葡萄. 我是葡萄的主人!"

We went to borealis light show in Seattle. We had pizza and biscuits with Lily and Augustine. Ella chewed on some insides of soft biscuit. She refused to try the jam, and lost interest in the biscuit very soon. After I finished eating, I tried to offer jam again. She reluctantly licked it, then wanted more. I spread it and butter on the biscuit, she took a huge bite, then bite after bite, finished her half of the biscuit.

We went to south lake union, where the show is. There was a cloud light display near the entrance, the girls loved it and bounced while looking up at it. We hurried to go to the museum where the light show was supposed to be. We passed by a fountain with ducks, and it was impossible to tear the girls away. Lily and Augustine also investigated and found the show was not starting yet. Ba ba played with the ducks in the fountain. The ducks lunged very fast and almost got his finger. He tried a few more times. The girls got distressed. Ella pulled on his arm, Mimi pulled on his leg. Ella start crying, we comforted her. She said "如果鸭子吃了妈妈爸爸, 小人们会不开心的".

We headed to the bridge with lighted arches. At the head of the bridge, Ella ran in front of me and started pushing me back. I asked her to go with ba ba, she refused and pushed harder, without giving me reason. I took her to the side of the bridge where there weren't many people. I squatted with her a bit while she looked around. After a little bit, she asked "Lily姐姐和Auggie叔叔呢"? I told her they were across the bridge. She said "我们去过桥", and dragged me by the hand to the bridge. We met up everyone in the middle when they have made their way back.

We walked around the lake a bit. The girls bounced and seemed excited by the boats. We went all the way around to the other end of MOHI opposite the entrance, and there were far less people. We settled and the countdown soon ended. The light show started, the visuals were dramatic with dramatic music. Mimi rode on ba ba's head and was completely focused on the show. Ella immediately got spooked and wanted to come down. She tumbled behind me. I asked if she would like to be held, she said "我要躲起来". She tumbled from my left behind to the right and back left every few seconds, peeked and looked. I asked if I could hold her hands, she said "不要,我要躲起来看". Sometimes she stopped moving and stared intensely, then soon after started left and right switch again. For a scene she yelled "woooww 是我喜欢的". It was a beautiful color explosion, but not too much different than the previous ones. I took a picture of her with my phone, she said "oh, oh, 我不想你照我".

After the main show, it was several short light shows from different artists. The first one had MOHI collapsing and rebuilding again and again, with dramatic music. Ella continued to hide. The next video was a very cute cartonish one, with animals, hearts, stars, and all sorts of cute things. Ella seemed intrigued. I asked if I could protect her in my arms, she agreed. I held her and stood up. She seemed to enjoy the video. Meanwhile Mimi started cackling loudly and uncontrollably on ba ba's shoulder. Ella said "很多动物来保护我们". The next video not only had dramatic music, but scary narration of a weird poem. Ella got startled quickly, struggled to get down and hid behind me. After a little bit she dragged my clothes hard, said "妈妈快跟我走". She led me to the side where she could only see the peak of MOHI. I convinced her to stop. I sat on the grass, after much convincing she was unmoved and continued to urge me to "跟我走". I paused, she paused, then she ran into my arms, held me tight. I turned her away from the light show. She seemed happy the played with me in my arms. The last two videos had calming music. One about space and one with calming graphics. Ella let me hold her while standing up, watched the videos and questioned here and there for "这是什么".

After the light show we exited with the crowd. Everyone was chest to back. After getting out of the crowd, we were at the cloud light again. The girls loved it, danced around and laughed at it with distinct "ha ha ha" laughter.

Ella saw Lily and Augustine ahead. Ran to them dragging me along, all the time made "ka ka ka" rhythemed clear laughter. Once she got close, she stopped, raised her hand, gave two robot waves left and right, said "再见" with clear normal voice. Lily and Augustine walked in front of us, we caught up with them again. Ella did the "KA KA KA KA KA. 再见" again.

Mimi wouldn't hold ba ba's hand. Ba ba warned her to be careful not to become someone else's Mimi. Ella said "MIIIMIIIII. Mimi是我们的Mimi".

Once in the car, ella asked cutely "你有东西吃么". Mimi said "我要和毛虫一起吃". Ella said "我要和兔兔一起吃。兔兔是我的宠物。主人和宠物一起吃".

The girls ate and chattered. Something reminded them of lao lao. Mimi said "姥姥姥爷在surrey... 姥爷在nanaimo".  She said some other stuff, then "狗狗去狗狗Microsoft". I asked if gou gou went there to 挣钱. She said "是的". I asked if it was for buying his 狗粮. She said "是买鱼给猫猫". I asked if the mao mao are gou gou's pets. Mimi said "猫猫是狗狗的小家伙".

Ella said "Ella是牛的主人。Mimi就是马的主人。姥姥就是司机啊。妈妈就是挣钱的人呀。爸爸就是挣钱的人呀".  Mimi said "我去幼儿园。我不哭。" She paused, then quickly and quietly said "我哭了". Ella then started singing "beebee 说 henn henn hennn, henn hen hennnn, hen hen hennnn. all toof (through) the toooown" while making the cutest cry face. Her eyes were closed, her fists were rubbing her eyes.

The girls had been excited when my face turned red or green from the traffic light, or tail light from the car in front. They always asked "谁把你的脸变红/绿了". Today after Mimi asked that, I asked if she'd seen my face turn yellow from the light. She said "没有见过你变成黄芒果". I started the recorder to record this incident. The app was yellow and it made my face yellow. The girls excitedly called out my yellowness.

Ella suddenly said "我们玩游戏好吗". Before I replied, she said "那我先来". "我看一下。你猜是什么". Just like the script of 我看你猜 the in peppa pig. After a bit, she yelled "斑马兔uuuu!"

After getting out of the car, Ella's been in a habit of sitting on the first step of the stairs by the garage door, request to "脱衣服". Today she wanted to take off her hoodie in the seat, I asked her to wait till we got in. I put her at the top of the garage stairs to follow ba ba. She walked down to the first step, sat down, said "我要脱衣服". She started wiggling, made the hoodie fall off her shoulders. She said "Ella一边甩". She continued wiggling, one hoodie arm fell off. With one arm free, she used it to peel at the other from the elbow down. The sleeve stuck at her wrist, too tight to get off. She said "喔! 太紧了". She tried harder, the hoodie fell off. She got up and went to the door without looking back.

Ba ba put the bottles in the microwave, then went upstairs to feed the cats. The milk finished heating and I went to get it. Mimi said "nooo". I looked at her, she said "爸爸热,爸爸放". I got the milk out, asked if she wanted milk, she said "不要". I put the bottle on the table. She ran to it, yelled "Mimi喝". Tilted her head way up and drunk.


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