
In the morning ba ba offered the girls 圈圈. Xiao E said "不要圈圈". Ba ba offered the girls 饼干. Mimi said "不要饼干". The girls were offered both for breakfast.

The girls ate gold fish in the car. After eating, Mimi played with her feet, she said "手脏, 脚脏". She was offered a piece of tissue paper. She proceeded to "擦手, 擦脚". After a while of cleaning her own body, she looked out the window and said "擦树叶, 擦大车, 擦太阳".

In the car the girls happily chatted with me. The girls really liked singing open them shut them, and when I creep crawled from their tummy to chin. Xiao E was intrigued by the "人人" from a neighbouring car, and his hamburger.

We got tofu 101, then went to factoria mall to eat. The girls were offered savory buns, the girls spit out savory buns. The girls were offered sticky rice, the girls spit out sticky rice. The girls were offered sweet buns, the girls spit out sweet buns. The girls stepped in red robin's outdoor seating area and played with the high chair buckles. The girls stepped in the vitamin store and looked at the big cup with little cups inside. The girls slapped our food boxes and spilled the food. The girls were offered soy milk. Mimi drank a huge mouthful and spit out a huge mouthful. Xiao E drank slowly, never let go of the straw, finished quarter cup of soy milk.

Mimi rode ba ba and went ahead. Xiao E held my hand and slowly walked behind, taking time to look into shop windows. After getting to the parking lot, xiao E focused on Mimi and ba ba. She said "抓抓抓抓抓" non stop. Ba ba and gor gor stopped for the weird noise and turned to see xiao E "抓"ing while bounce shuffling slowly to them. Xiao E finally stopped saying 抓 when she caught up ba ba by the car.

The girls fell asleep in the car. They were taken upstairs and went down peacefully. We tucked them in, they peacefully lay in their beds hugging their tu tus. Gor gor went to his room to fetch clothes, came down to report that the girls were wild babbling. I went to investigate. The girls were wild babbling, they even said "gor gor ^$#%".

The girls woke up. Mimi was offered food fist. When I went to the playroom to get xiao E, I caught her chewing wildly with closed mouth and puffed cheeks. We thought she was air chewing or found a leaf, then we discovered that xiao E had discovered the corner 圈圈 ba ba left in the morning. Xiao E happily went back and forth between corner bowl and fence. Until she noticed Mimi was eating bread, then she whined "要包包".

The girls had fun play time with ba ba as human slide. Ba ba needed time to recuperate. I took the girls to see neighbourhood lights. Mimi picked up pooh and said "Mimi 带 pooh 熊看灯灯". Mimi "hi"'ed and "bye"'ed "雪人儿”, "%$@老人”, "雪花灯" enthusiastically. At Tony's house, Mimi suddenly squeaked, said "pooh 熊掉了". We rescued pooh xiong from across the street. Mimi proceeded to drop pooh xiong a few times, I offered to carry pooh xiong, Mimi objected strongly.

Xiao E didn't talk much during the walk, buried her face deep into her coat, held on to piggy tight. Only lifted her face to announce the best sights: a pink "猪猪" we saw for the first time; a "狗狗" who came to see the girls, who were looking at the "猪猪" at the time; a huge "雪花"; a "车车好高" on the roof. Mimi hi'ed and bye'ed objects continuously. There was a little dog who barked at me, he barked in threes, "wolf wolf wolf". Except once he went "wolf wolf", a little pause, then "wolf". Mimi "No! No!"'ed the pup.

At home the girls were prepared for bed. Mimi was offered a box to examine while changing diaper. Xiao E came and "要书"'ed. I tried to give her the lady bug book, but it dropped over the fence. I offered her the jungle book and went back to Mimi. Xiao E sat at the fence, looked at the book, said in the saddest xiao voice "瓢虫ngngng". Ba ba went and got the ladybug book for her.


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