
The girls were in bed till 8:30, lao lao arrived right in time. Ba ba went upstairs and checked on them. Then I went, catching both sitting on bed. Mimi's cheeks were super red. Frank followed me, I asked the girls if Frank was here, who else was here. Mimi whined a long "ahhhhhhh", then yelled "姥姥!" Then said "我不想被狗踩。" I asked her if I could protect her go down the stairs, she agreed. She got hai bao, held my head, got to the top of the stairs. She extended left foot, didn't take a step, then extended right foot, didn't take a step, did some quick shallow squats, didn't take a step, extended left food again, didn't take a step. I offered to hold hai bao for her, she gave me hai bao, then slowly came down the stairs. Lao lao was waiting in the living room, she squatted down and extended her arm. Mimi took hai bao, dashed to lao lao, but Frank came out of nowhere and stepped in front of Mimi and went to lick lao lao, Mimi flapped her arm and cried, lao lao picked her up and comforted her.

I went upstairs, found Ella still sitting in bed. She smiled and said "我不想下楼。" I asked if it was because Frank was scary or she didn't miss lao lao. She grabbed bunny, stood up and rushed to the stairs. She looked out of the door window while she went down the stairs. There was a white car there, usually it was lao lao's grey car. She repeatedly asked "这是谁的车啊", ignored my answer of different people, eventually sat in the middle of the stairs, stared at the car. Lao lao came to look for her, Ella was uninterested in lao lao. I asked her if there was something she wanted to ask lao lao. Ella said "姥姥你的车呢。为什么是白的。" Lao lao explained someone took her spot and she had to park on the other side. Mimi yelled "这白车是老爷车!"

The girls didn't want to drink milk. Mimi demanded to "吃圈". She was so poor looking with her red cheeks, so I gave her cereals and crackers. She nomed cutely. Ella stopped drinking milk, which she only took a few sips. She asked for "吃圈", I denied, she said "我和Mimi分享。" Went to Mimi and took a cracker out of Mimi's bowl. Mimi let her. After a bit, Mimi said "老爷有甜甜圈。" Lao lao and me were surprised since that was back during labour day. Ella said "老爷和我分享甜圈。老爷给我两个。然后我就吃吃吃。然后老爷给我分享。然后我就吃吃吃。"

 I bit the girls goodbye. Ella said "妈妈你去大学校。" I said I was going to work at Microsoft. Ella said "Microsoft 是你的大学校。" She then turned to lao lao, said "拜拜姥姥。我明天去幼儿园。" And walked into the play room. When we got to the door, we heard the girls both say "拜拜姥姥。我们去买菜。" Then running sounds, then the girls voice from the play room "我买蔬菜。我买番茄。"

We got home from work, Ella immediately asked to "吃葡萄。" She gave me the "我是葡萄的主人。" speech again. We denied her, offered her yogurt with sweet oats. She kept saying "我是葡萄的主人。不是鸡蛋的主人。" Lao lao was feeding Mimi egg, Ella completely ignored the yogurt. I offered her egg or yogurt, she said "但是酸奶难吃。" Mimi finished the egg, she came to me, asked to see "那个蓝色的" very shyly. I asked what blue thing, she asked me to lift her up, I did, and she pointed to the oreo mooncake Anna gave us. I gave her two pieces, and told Ella it was because Mimi ate the main course nicely. Ella after many pleas to eat mooncake, and my many denies on the ground of main course first, sat down and started eating the yogurt. She made good progress and ate half a bowl. Then she stated "我吃完啦。我可以吃月饼啦。" I denied her. Mimi by now was asking for more moon cake, so I asked lao lao to gave her some persimmons. She happily ate persimmons. I coaxed Ella to eat a little more yogurt, but she really wanted the persimmons, so I told her she can be done with eating, but no persimmons. She agreed, and followed me to wash hands. After hand washing, she rushed to lao lao, said "Mimi跟我分享柿子。" Mimi offered Ella a piece. I told Mimi Ella couldn't have anymore, Ella sadly cried. Lao lao calmed her, I gave her a piece of croissant Hailey gave us. She nomed it in the corner with lao lao. After a while, I heard Ella say to lao lao "我可以吃葡萄吗。" Lao lao asked her to ask me. She ran to me, said "妈妈我可以吃水果吗。" She then looked away for a second, then looked at me, said "或者甜点。" I denied her both. She seemed fine.

The girls were playing. I heard Mimi started crying, I went to check on her, she said "姐姐抢走了我的蛋糕。" Ella was holding a red and a yellow lego piece in each hand. I have no idea what happened, these days the girls would lie about being looted, or sometimes one was just too slow to reach something while the other was oblivious. I put two blue pieces together and offered Mimi, Mimi looked at it, then whined "我的红蛋糕。" I found a red piece, and put on top, Ella was walking by, I asked Ella to give it to Mimi, Ella took it and ran to Mimi, Mimi didn't even look at her, said "Mimi已经不想要了。"


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