
I put Ella in her car seat in the morning. She pointed at the middle seat beside her, said "爸爸不可以坐这里。这是妈妈的座位". Ba ba said "Hahhh?" Ella said "你是只爸司机。乘客Mimi Ella 妈妈乘客". She said 乘客 twice. Mimi then yelled "爸爸!爸比ii!我的我的爸爸没了". Ba ba said "huhhh? 是的么?" Mimi yelled "爸a\/爸aaaa///!".

Ella was distraught when we arrived at daycare. I carried her out like a sack. She wiggled down, murmured "要回车里" repeatedly while shuffling back. I lifted her again like a sack. She wiggled down, sniffled, lifted her arm and grabbed my hand, and began walking towards the daycare. She sniffled until we were at the door. When Hallemah came to get the door, Ella became distraught again. James and me carried out the morning routine of telling the girls we loved them and looked forward to picking them up after a fun day, etc, etc. While drowned in their loud cries and intense Ella bunny swings. After we got to work, we immediately received a message saying the girls had calmed down and started playing, with pictures of a timid Mi and troll laugh woo.

When we came back after work, we spotted Mimi and she spotted us. She ran to the door excited. Ella was playing with a boy on a mat, she wouldn't answer what she was playing.

We walked down the long path to the wooden door. James went first, then Mimi held the door for slow Ella and me. After we came out, another family had caught up and turned the corner. Mimi held the door for them too, opened slightly wider for the group. They praised Mimi good job. Mimi cackled happily. After they left, Mimi swung the door closed, the door bounced off, the mom closed it for Mimi. Mimi ran happily to us with huge steps lifted high up in the air.

At the car Ella tried to go in my seat. I asked if she'd like to sit with me to eat crackers. She said "oh, 这不是我的座位", hurried down, shuffled to the back seat, climbed while saying "这是乘客的座位".

For dinner James made pineapple pizza. The pizza took a while to cook, the girls had crackers, fish, cheese, oat crumbs, noodle, and had picnic with the caterpillars. After the pizza came out, I cut it up. Ba ba announced it was time for pineapple pizza. Ella yelled "yaaaaay". The girls hurried and sat down. We gave each a piece. They quickly took off the pineapple pieces on their pizzas, ate them, said "吃完了。没有菠萝了。要新的。" Ba ba and I requested them to finish their tiny slices first. The girls revolted. I sat down. Ella immediately lifted her pizza to my nose, said "我们分享。" It was her way of asking me to finish her unwanted food. I took a bite, gave it to her. To my surprise she started eating. Mimi meanwhile was still whining. I asked if she would like to share with me too. She gave no response. I took her pizza and took a bite. I offered her a bite, she took the tiniest bite. I bit again, this time she fake bit. And said "都是你的啦妈妈。" After some convincing and big bites from me, Mimi finished her piece. When I turned to Ella, she gave me a tiny piece, said "最后一半是妈妈的。" I ate half of the tiny piece, and put the other half down. She picked it up and put to my nose again, said "这都是你的。我的吃完了。" I ate it. We gave the girls each a new slice. This time they didn't even bother digging for pineapple and whined for more.

Our pleads were not heard, the girls requested 新的菠萝. Suddenly Ella said she wanted to eat tiao tiao. I showed her her lunchbox noodle, asked if that was what she wanted, she confirmed. I asked if she'd like the noodle hot or cold, she said cold. I gave her the lunch container. She really started eating. In a bit she started saying "Ella鸟在吃面条虫。" Mimi then started whining about noodle "我要条条。我要绿的条条。我要绿的..绿的..绿碗..的条条。" Ba ba got the frog bowl for her, she slowly gnawed on a noodle. Ella slide her lunch container to Mimi in one push, then tried to grab Mimi's bowl. I intercepted her, and asked if she'd like her train plate. She said yes. I got the train plate, while she said "cha ka cha ka choo choo cha ka cha ka choo choo" repeatedly at the table, jerking left and right with her fists up and down.

Mimi didn't eat much. The caterpillars were confiscated on the counter away from food. Mimi looked at it frequently. "Mimi想念ganta 了。Mimi 要和ganta 玩儿。" I offered ganta to Mimi, she happily hugged it with her oily hand, said "Mimi不会让ganta弄脏脏的". She still didn't eat much. Looked at me and said cutely and poutily "我吃饱了。我要去玩儿。" I took her to wash hands. She was very cute and played hide and seek on the ladder, lathered and shook cutely with cackles. Afterwards she happily ran away to play.

I was eating, Ella cried and ran to me, put her hands on my legs and put her cheek on her hands, said "Mimi鸟欺负Ella鸟。" I looked at Mimi, Mimi had some Legos in her hands, she averted gaze, said "Mimi讨厌Ella鸟" repeatedly. I asked what them birds were fighting over. Ella looked at Mimi, Mimi looked at her legos, after a few seconds, Mimi said "你要积木吗"? Ella said "这是我的礼物吗?" Mimi said "是的。你打开看看吧。" Ella ran to Mimi, said "HA HA HA", and took the Legos. Mimi also 呵呵'ed at Ella. Ella turned and ran to me, held the blocks up high, said "HA HA". I asked where they were from. She said "Mimi给我的。" Mimi ran to the bunny and wild swung on it, said "Mimi不讨厌Ella了。" They then pretend played gift giving for a while.


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