
We took the girls to Microsoft after daycare. We got a tres sandwitch in the morning, I got a strawberry cream one for the girls for snack. James cut it into small pieces, the cream spilled out all over the pieces. Ella tried to touch her piece from many sides, while en en'ed, but always took back her hand. She always disliked sticky food. I picked up one piece for her, and she pinched it slightly and lifted it, and took a bite, she seemed to like it.

Mimi did not eat as much as Ella, even left some bread pieces while Ella worked on cereal mixed with leftover cream. Mimi shyly said "要看踢球小人儿。" I asked if she'd like me to accompany her there, so agreed. We went to wash hands first, she was very good and waited while I wiped the counter, and scrubbed her hands 20 times. Out of the bathroom, she walked right to the fooseball room. A dad and daughter was already playing there, Mimi dragged me around, shyly said "有人了。" The dad and daughter soon left, and Mimi laughed and went to the table, and pushed all the rods to one side. I got a chair for her to sit. She sat on the chair, pushed all the rods to the other side, then pulled them back. She asked for a ball, then had fun putting it through the hole, and retrieving it, sometimes asking me for help. She then asked to play with the other foosball table, so I turned her chair around, and she pushed all the rods to one side, then retrieved them. Then she asked to play with another foosball table. I got her down from the chair and we wondered outside. After walking a little we ran into Qiben. As soon as Qiben saw us and said hi, Mimi said "我走了" and turned and walked away. She didn't walk too far, she turned to check on me, I stayed with Qiben. Qiben asked if she was Mimi or Ella, Mimi turned towards the cafe, yelled "姐姐!姐姐!" Mimi hid behind my back while I chatted with Qiben. Then we held hands and walked back to the cafe.

The cafe had different little pumpkins. I asked Mimi if she'd like to poke one, she said "不可以。这是别人的。" I slowly approached one pumpkin, and slowly took it. Mimi yelled "妈\/妈aa/!不可以!" I lowered it to her height, she took it quickly, said "我拿回去。" And lifted it as if to put it back on the kitchen counter. I held her up high, and she put the pumpkin back. I lifted her slightly to the right and asked if she'd like to poke the green long pumpkin, she said "不可以!"

I ran into Ella in the middle of the kitchen. I also offered her to poke the pumpking, and she also gave me a "不是我们的" lecture.


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