I found a book to read, turned, and saw an Ella with the fire rescue hat on, all the way down her eyes, with 毛虫 in her arms. She said "我是救火员。我有救火。" She kept saying 我有救火 while lifting her 毛虫. I asked if she had 救火毛虫. She kept repeating 我有救火. I asked if she'd like to hear a story, she slowly tumbled towards the table. I lifted her hat, she quickly went to the table. Mimi also came, asked "我的帽子呢。" I lifted Ella's hat, which was two hats in one, and gave Mimi one. Mimi said "我是救火员。。我的救火海豹!救火海豹!" She ran to the play room, yelled "救火海豹!。。。救火海豹!" Then ran again into the kitchen, and returned with hai bao.
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