
Today there was ice cream in building 36. We roamed a little outside the building, finding all the berries disappeared. Then we came in to the cafe. Mimi held the door open for us, then stared at it as it auto closed. I brought a sticker puzzle. We did the puzzle while ba ba went to get ice cream. The girls did a good job matching the missing pieces. They were also very distracted, asking for ba ba's whereabouts frequently. Ba ba came back with ice cream and I went to get some. The girls enjoyed. Ella ate most of the nuts I hid in the ice cream bites, but started to spit out more at more. At the end she would only pinch the tip off the bite I offered. She then stole a spoon from ba ba, and snacked on ice cream juice. The girls loved the whipped cream topping, kept asking "要白的。"

When we came back to work, Mimi was looking for her "金币". Lao lao didn't know what it was, Mimi disappeared into another room, then came back with a little round metal piece with a hole in it, possibly a part of the drum. She affectionately showed it to us, calling it in a soft cute voice "金币".

Ella came up with some tricks, I got them on video. Mimi also had some similar tricks, I got her on video. Mimi's trick must start with petting of the 海豹. After a few loops, Mimi started saying "如果海豹生气了怎么办" after Ella and I pet the 海豹. I asked her if it didn't like how hard we pet it. The next time it was our turn to pet, I stretched my hand, Ella held my hand, put her face right up to mine, said "要轻轻摸。" We both petted it gently. The next time it was our turn to pet, Mimi said "要快快摸。" Ella rubbed the hai bao hard and fast, with lots of fast air rubs.

Mimi suddenly said "我要吃你的手指。" Then she opened hai bao's mouth. I didn't know it was possible. She came at me. I asked if it would like to eat 南瓜 instead. Ella lifted the nan gua, said "我喂你南瓜。" Mimi "nomnomnom"'ed with hai bao. Yelled "毒UUUU", and fell down on the floor. Ella said "毒死了", also fell down on the floor. She then stood up, went to the carpet, said "这里软,那里硬", and laid on the carpet. The girls revived, and played again, this time when hai bao came for food, Ella said "南瓜有点毒,给你吃。"

While I was recording notes, I heard Mimi say "ennnnnughhh. AHHHHHHHHH". I chased Ella down, who was slowly shuffling away and refused to turn to look at me. I asked her to hand over the coin and promised I'd go find one with her. She gave me the coin, I gave it back to Mimi. I asked Ella to come with me to find a coin, she said "我不要金币。我是没有金币的小人儿。" And happily went back to pretend play with Mimi. Mimi also happily played with Ella.


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