We left early to go to Bellevue square for snowflake lane. We came in and Mimi went straight for a christmas tree with decorations. She was so excited about the "圣诞球。" She said 球儿 loudly and cutely with a long curl of the tongue for 儿, and almost sounded like 取儿。 When I got a video she wasn't pronouncing it as hard. We headed for Kikuza ramen. Godiva was on the way. Ella was holding my hand and walking when she spotted it. She stood still, let out a loud "ahhhhh", said "我要这个东西", "我要吃这个圣诞东西"。 The girls looked longingly for a while, but responded to calls to move forward by ba ba and me. On the rest of the walk, Ella said "我不要圣诞面条。我已经吃饱了。我只能喝水了。" I got a water out and tried to offer to her, she chuckled and accepted it, hugged it and walked to the restaurant. The girls ate well. Lao lao reported their last meal was at noon where they each ate two chicken drumsticks. After eating a bunch of noodle, Mimi worked on lao lao's soup...