
We gave the girls Kevin and Kyle snowmen in the morning. When we picked them up, Kevin had two snowballs left, Kyle was still full. The girls said 小朋友把小雪怪的衣服拿走了。 Then Mimi Ella did. We never found out why.

Ella laid at the doorway between the kitchen and the playroom, belly up eating cookie. Ba ba carried Mimi to change diaper, while they were almost there Mimi said sweetly "ba ba 不要踩到姐姐了哟。" Ba ba gave Ella a few stomps. I got the toothbrush for the girls. I took Mimi's toothbrush, but ba ba was tickle changing Mimi, so I went to Ella and gave her a few stomps. We had some chats about 欺负 Ella. I came back and saw Mimi had came down, I laid her on blake tu, she said calmly "爸爸已经刷了我很多牙了。" Ba ba confirmed Mimi was brushed. I apologized and lifted her up. She went away.

I was brushing in the bathroom when I heard Mimi cry "wahhhh 我的泥巴。" When I finished rinsing and came out she had cried for a bit, and now on the ground on her belly kicking her feet. By her head was a little towel. I asked her if it was her ni ba, she said "不是! 这是坏泥巴!" I vaguely remember there were two towels, I went to the computer and saw Ella on my chair playing with a wire I took home, with no towel in sight. Mimi came into the room and wahhhh'ed about 泥巴 again. Ella said "好啦我把你的泥巴藏在这里啦。给你。" She pulled away the blue blanket and pulled out a towel and gave to Mimi.

After putting the girls to bed, ba ba left first. I stayed a little with the cute Ella. I stood up to leave, Ella said "我们还没有晚安故事。救火员要晚安故事。" Mimi also joined to ask about goodnight story. I told the 菲菲生气了 story. I was at the part where fei fei was coming down the tree after feeling better. Ella sat up on the bed, said "菲菲有那个假猴子。" I said fei fei's toy monkey is called xing xing. Ella said "那个是假猴子。我们有假兔。灰兔。有假斑马兔。有假摇摇兔。要假blahke 兔。" I finished the story and left the room. The girls chatted for a little bit and went quiet.


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