
Showing posts from January, 2021

01/29/2021 - Friday

The girls have been going upstairs to play. Around 11 Mimi yelled "妈妈爸爸我们做了很坏的事情". I went upstairs and saw my embroidery threads all tangled in the chair and a pompom maker. Jam came up too and helped me cut them, very confused how they got so tangled even around the chair. I thanked Mimi for calling us when she realized something went wrong. And questioned her about the buttons out the bag. She quickly picked them all up and put in the bag. I took it downstairs just in case. (Lily has been sick since last Friday, puking everyday. Jam took care of her and the new food from vet seems to be working.) Around 12 Jam abandoned the kids to get cat food and boba by himself. Soon after Jam left the girls came downstairs, snacked a little, then Mimi took a big shit, came back to the kitchen and called sister and both "en! en!" bounced upstairs. Soon after Jam got back the girls came downstairs. Mimi came to where I was sitting and held my arm, said "妈妈我摔下楼了,怎么办", w...

01/17/2021 - Sunday

In the morning I heard small wails upstairs. I ran up, an Ella was in my bed crying. When she saw me, she picked up her 小软(pants), pressed to her mouth, and sniffled. I crawled into bed, she shrunk into the blanket and snuggled up. I wiped her tears. We snuggled and snuggled.  Mimi suddenly came into the room. Ella asked 你也是来摸妈妈的fluffy么。While furiously rubbing my hair. Mimi said "mew", threw seal on us, and left. She yelled BABA, then I heard nothing of her. When we came downstairs, I closed the bedroom doors on our way as usual. There was no Mimi downstairs, I assume she went to the cat room. Jam went up to take a look, and informed me that Mimi tucked herself back into bed. The girls were playing around my laptop (not touching it, very disciplined) on the table. I came back from pooping. Mimi told me to do something of my own, don't bother them. I said I'll be at the other end of the table then, since this table is a good spot for my computer. I'll do my comput...

01/16/2021 - Saturday

Took a walk around Evans Creek. The girls worn their boots. Size8 is too tight now. Ella said she was excited for her new pink Size9s, I'm not sure if that's what we ordered. She picked them either way, hope she likes it! On the walk, Mimi: "do my shoes look like boys?" Ella: "yes. do my shoes look like girls?". Mimi: "yes. I think you're a girl and I'm a boy. So I think when we grow up we can be married."  Picked up boba cake from E. And cookies! The girls did 6 worksheets each in a roll, the cookies were too enticing. Dinner was struggle and neither girl finished their quota, no boba cake for them. I ate a cake while watching Wanda with Jam, Jam refused except one bite (thinking we're sharing one), so I ate the other. Afterwards when chatting with E she suspected cake might have coffee because of the taste. Will see if I sleep. Update: slept fine.

01/14/2021 - Thursday

I played with the girls outside, then came inside for a bit to prepare cookie ingredients. I asked the girls to not cross the street. Mimi said 妈妈好的!我们不会piuuuu的跑出去的。After I prepared the ingredients I went outside again. The girls were standing on the lawn, Ella had a bone in one hand. They looked super confused, at each other and at me. They asked me quietly: mom we think this looks like a bone. why.  I composted the bone. I explained a neighbor might have had ribs. Or an animal cleaned a big animal. The girls discussed in a grave serious voice that they both thought an animal ate another in the night. 对了。吃了。 It's unclear where they found the bone. Ella found it "somewhere" and brought it over, and that's when Mimi "found" it on our lawn.

1/13/2021 - Wednesday

Listened to some kids audios to get myself perked up in the morning. Love the way Mimi says lao ye / lao lao so formally when leaving them a message.

1/12/2021 - Tuesday

 Mimi saw me coding, asked if I was going to type a T. I tried to explain what "insert" means in Office. I showed her inserting an online picture in Word. She excitedly asked to insert an airplane too (A for airplane is the first category in online pictures). I let her give a try. She carefully clicked on insert, then online pictures, then hovered for a few seconds to try to click on online pictures, but clicked on stock photo. I said she could insert a stock photo then, they're good pictures. Mimi said no I want to try again for an airplane. I guided her to x out the stock picture dialog, do the same process again. She carefully examined all the airplane pictures, and picked a one world one. I asked her to give the computer back to me. She climbed down, and bounced around talking happily about airplanes. 

1/7/2021 - Thursday (day off)

The girls loved the cats at the whole cat and kaboodle. They requested I make $10 so they can pet "别人的猫". We discussed the possibilities of them making $10, and why not take advantage of our free cat. Ella wanted to pet a particular striped cat. Mimi laughed uncontrollably and mewed and skipped around. There was a kitten too! Very cute and soft looking.  On the way back from yifang the Ella wanted to know when the dinosaurs went extinct, did the mammals rejoice. I explained they didn't rejoice like throw a party, but the did find it easier to get more food and get bigger, so possibly happier.  Ella was very happy she could pick up a cutout dinosaur whole (tearing away a little from surrounding dough) and transfer it safely to the baking sheet. Mimi was very strict that the dinosaurs can't be too close together, and kept rearranging them. She received a thick doughed dinosaur. I thought it was kind of think but ignored it, while I was cutting others I noticed her flatt...

1/6/2021 - Wednesday

Mimi gave ella a pair (of mismatched) chopsticks in the shower. Ella wedged them between the shower door panes, hooked a cup on them, slid the cup up and down, told me it was an elevator. I asked if rubber ducky could ride it. She took the ducky and said yes because it was her 鸭鸭. She pretended the ducky was at different places along the door frame, and she guided it to the elevator and moved it around. I left her for a while to eat. She called for me, I ignored her, she went quiet. When I came upstairs again she was standing cutely with her hands behind her back. She asked me something about the one punch man cover (big shuiryu small saitama), then went back to play with ducky. I started reading 1q84 and after a bit I noticed she was saying 这个鸭鸭不喜欢人,我就是那个人。我帮了鸭鸭,我帮鸭鸭赢了比赛,但是鸭鸭不喜欢我,因为我很严厉,因为鸭鸭总是跳错,我很严厉的教它,我帮鸭鸭赢了但是鸭鸭不喜欢我。I explored how she felt for a bit, she said 不要伤心它是我的鸭鸭。 At night after evening video, I asked if the girls can leave their room. They said no. I asked what would happen ...