01/17/2021 - Sunday

In the morning I heard small wails upstairs. I ran up, an Ella was in my bed crying. When she saw me, she picked up her 小软(pants), pressed to her mouth, and sniffled. I crawled into bed, she shrunk into the blanket and snuggled up. I wiped her tears. We snuggled and snuggled. 
Mimi suddenly came into the room. Ella asked 你也是来摸妈妈的fluffy么。While furiously rubbing my hair. Mimi said "mew", threw seal on us, and left. She yelled BABA, then I heard nothing of her.
When we came downstairs, I closed the bedroom doors on our way as usual. There was no Mimi downstairs, I assume she went to the cat room. Jam went up to take a look, and informed me that Mimi tucked herself back into bed.

The girls were playing around my laptop (not touching it, very disciplined) on the table. I came back from pooping. Mimi told me to do something of my own, don't bother them. I said I'll be at the other end of the table then, since this table is a good spot for my computer. I'll do my computer things and not bother them. Mimi said "ok我们去那屋。姐姐拿着这个(纸)。和笔". Ella grabbed the paper and pointed it in the sky, she then looked at the crayons for a few seconds, said "笔是妈妈的,留在这里。" They ran to the other room. Jam came over and we talked about our plans for the day. Jam then went back to the room to his computer. Mimi said baba you go do something of your own, don't bother us. Jam said he'll just be at his computer doing his things and not bother them. Mimi grabbed her paper and said "ok我们去那屋". Jam told her it was ok he'll use his laptop and leave them the room.


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