01/16/2021 - Saturday

Took a walk around Evans Creek. The girls worn their boots. Size8 is too tight now. Ella said she was excited for her new pink Size9s, I'm not sure if that's what we ordered. She picked them either way, hope she likes it! On the walk, Mimi: "do my shoes look like boys?" Ella: "yes. do my shoes look like girls?". Mimi: "yes. I think you're a girl and I'm a boy. So I think when we grow up we can be married." 

Picked up boba cake from E. And cookies! The girls did 6 worksheets each in a roll, the cookies were too enticing. Dinner was struggle and neither girl finished their quota, no boba cake for them. I ate a cake while watching Wanda with Jam, Jam refused except one bite (thinking we're sharing one), so I ate the other. Afterwards when chatting with E she suspected cake might have coffee because of the taste. Will see if I sleep. Update: slept fine.


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