01/29/2021 - Friday

The girls have been going upstairs to play.

Around 11 Mimi yelled "妈妈爸爸我们做了很坏的事情". I went upstairs and saw my embroidery threads all tangled in the chair and a pompom maker. Jam came up too and helped me cut them, very confused how they got so tangled even around the chair. I thanked Mimi for calling us when she realized something went wrong. And questioned her about the buttons out the bag. She quickly picked them all up and put in the bag. I took it downstairs just in case. (Lily has been sick since last Friday, puking everyday. Jam took care of her and the new food from vet seems to be working.)

Around 12 Jam abandoned the kids to get cat food and boba by himself. Soon after Jam left the girls came downstairs, snacked a little, then Mimi took a big shit, came back to the kitchen and called sister and both "en! en!" bounced upstairs.

Soon after Jam got back the girls came downstairs. Mimi came to where I was sitting and held my arm, said "妈妈我摔下楼了,怎么办", while chuckled uncontrollably. I asked her how she fell, Ella made a violent slap gesture with her arm and said "她这样啪的摔下来的!" Mimi continued to chuckle, I examined her head and nothing suspicious. Ella also came with 5 carrots filled in a fist, said " ok I take some snack 了". Mimi turned and grabbed her arm, and they walked together back upstairs.


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