
The girls were taken to the airport. At the airport parking the girls ran into Peter's 2 year old son. Boy was not happy that Mimi was sitting beside him, his mom explained that boy was terrorized by a little girl cousin. Although the girls are also mean little ones, they were too focused on the car ride to terrorize boy. Mimi nonstop said "Mimi 坐车", "车走", with occasional "树叶".

At the airport the girls glued to the window to see the "打飞机", "大车". Xiao E said "di di woo" everytime a car drove by. Mimi was occasionally distracted by the "好大水", a puddle from dripping water by the steps beneath the window. Xiao E discovered the crack between the two rows of chairs was her size, and squeezed all the way to the middle of the row in the crack. The people sitting on the chairs were horrified by a squirming worm behind their backs, then delighted and hi'ed the little goblin. Globlin E was then horrified and escaped slowly by squirming her way back.

Before the flight the girls memorized they were flying to "hawaii". On the plane Mimi had became "hawawa". At landing "surrey".

On the plane Mimi ran up and down the aisle, dared to run more than 4 rows away. She ran so wobbly but never fell. Xiao E walked slower and stayed within 2 rows. She was bumped by a flight attendant's butt while the attendant was pulling a cart, the butt was very bouncy, xiao E flew away. She was traumatized, but recovered soon with some boss baby. Mimi was very active, either kicking ba ba's seat, or running on the ground. She followed ma ma to the bathroom. She torn some toilet paper into tiny pieces. Ma ma pressed the soap, and soap flew away and landed on the toilet seat. Mimi went over and cleaned up the soap with her paper. The neighbour auntie graciously lend the girls some foam blocks to play with. Xiao E carefully put the puzzle edges together, and pressed to seal, trying different combinations. Mimi would forcefully push the puzzles together, and pull them apart, sometimes making the pieces fly away.

Eva jie jie picked up the girls and the adults. Xiao E was impressed by the tall buildings, saying "好高". Then she learnt to say "大楼" and said "大楼好高". The big trees did not interest her. Xiao E started saying "mimi坐车", "ma ma zuo che". When prompted ba ba, xiao E said "ba ba开车". The adults corrected her that eva was the one kai che'ing, xiao E was confused, and continued to say "ba ba kai che".

The girls took to eva jie jie. Xiao E learnt to fist bump. Mimi was not into the activity, but very into the seaweed handed out by eva jie jie.

The girls were taken to older jiu ye's for dinner. They were a little intimidated by all the people and grumped when talked to. Refusing to say even "不要", and scrunched their little faces, some tears even fell when people came by to say hi. Ma ma took the girls for bathroom, the girls happily played in the shower with a big laundry bowl. Afterwards 冬瓜姨婆 fed them pu tao, and the girls reluctantly murmured a few words about "吃".

After dinner the girls were taken to Target to get some playpens to sleep in. Then some bubble tea for the adults. The bubble tea shop had a narrow table with legs with a narrow opening. Xiao E carefully tried to fit herself through the opening. She was able to turn sideways and barely shuffle through it without getting stuck. She went back and forth.


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