01/14/2021 - Thursday

I played with the girls outside, then came inside for a bit to prepare cookie ingredients. I asked the girls to not cross the street. Mimi said 妈妈好的!我们不会piuuuu的跑出去的。After I prepared the ingredients I went outside again. The girls were standing on the lawn, Ella had a bone in one hand. They looked super confused, at each other and at me. They asked me quietly: mom we think this looks like a bone. why. 

I composted the bone. I explained a neighbor might have had ribs. Or an animal cleaned a big animal. The girls discussed in a grave serious voice that they both thought an animal ate another in the night. 对了。吃了。

It's unclear where they found the bone. Ella found it "somewhere" and brought it over, and that's when Mimi "found" it on our lawn.


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