1/6/2021 - Wednesday

Mimi gave ella a pair (of mismatched) chopsticks in the shower. Ella wedged them between the shower door panes, hooked a cup on them, slid the cup up and down, told me it was an elevator. I asked if rubber ducky could ride it. She took the ducky and said yes because it was her 鸭鸭. She pretended the ducky was at different places along the door frame, and she guided it to the elevator and moved it around. I left her for a while to eat. She called for me, I ignored her, she went quiet. When I came upstairs again she was standing cutely with her hands behind her back. She asked me something about the one punch man cover (big shuiryu small saitama), then went back to play with ducky. I started reading 1q84 and after a bit I noticed she was saying 这个鸭鸭不喜欢人,我就是那个人。我帮了鸭鸭,我帮鸭鸭赢了比赛,但是鸭鸭不喜欢我,因为我很严厉,因为鸭鸭总是跳错,我很严厉的教它,我帮鸭鸭赢了但是鸭鸭不喜欢我。I explored how she felt for a bit, she said 不要伤心它是我的鸭鸭。

At night after evening video, I asked if the girls can leave their room. They said no. I asked what would happen if they came out. Ella said 会被你打死。


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