In the morning after milk, dada asked if the girls wanted some cheerios. Mimi said “want circles” and Ella said “don’t want circles”. So dada gave a small plate of cheerios for mimi and little bites of his peanut butter sandwich to ella. After a little, ella decided she wanted cheerios and ate some of mimi’s. Mimi did not approve of it, she was territorial about her cereal. The girls read some books by themselves. Dada joined them to read the hungry hungry caterpillar. Ella and mimi enumerated all the things the caterpillar ate. They pointed at the ice cream, the cake, the hot dog, the sausage. For some reason they thought the cheese was a pizza, we blame uncle gordon for that kind of mixup. We also looked at some books with animals, and the girls practiced animal sounds. “What does the chicken say” and they do little clucks. They asked dada “what does a strawberry say” and “what does a balloon say”. Dada did not have good answers for them, so he made up random sounds....