
In the morning the girls went for a nice walk to a nearby playground. On the walk mimi saw some airplanes flying in the sky, she said “好高飞机”. At the playground mimi wanted to drive the car so she found the steering wheel and spun it around a couple times. Ella went to the swing and swung around in the sun. Mimi soon joined after getting bored with the car and both girls were swinging and giggling. After some swinging the girls explored more of the playground. Mama found a toy and she spun around on it, mimi and ella also wanted to spin. They’re not tall enough so mama helped them up and gave them a tiny little spin each. Pleased with the little activities, the girls went back to grandma and grandpa’s house.

At lunch time, the girls met another baby named evie. They came over for lunch, and ella and mimi did not like the new people. Mimi was upset and cried when she saw the titan uncle. After some calm soothing, the girls opened up a little to the people.

Grandparents took the girls to the other room to play while the adults ate and chatted. Lao lao reported the girls spotted evie’s carseat. Both played with the hanging toys. Then both wanted to play with the buckles. The girls crowded in front of the seat, each had a part of the buckle. They squeezed and squeezed and neither backed down. Mimi turned and hugged xiao E tight, wouldn’t let xiao E move an inch, yelled “上那边! 上那边!”. She tried to wrestle xiao E away. Xiao E was beaten and cried on the floor. Lao ye found an extra car seat from the basement. Xiao E was calmed.

The adults finished eating. Ma ma went to welcome the girls back into the room. Mimi was sitting in  a carseat with legs spread apart, eyes half closed. She was pushed back in the carseat, xiao E followed. Xiao E tried to dethrone Mimi. Evie's seat was fetched. Ella sat down in it and enjoyed her throne. Baby evie was sat on top of ella and both of them hated the experience and rebelled. Given the outcome, it was best to not try it with mimi.

The girls murmured some English. The adults asked what's the english word for ears, Mimi said "nose". The adults asked what's the english word for nose, Mimi said "mouth". The adults asked what's the english word for mouth, Mimi said "...mouth".

The girls woke up for afternoon snack. They both seemed hungry. They were put in high chairs, both whined. The microwave ding’ed. Mimi yelled “maaaaan touuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!!”. The girls were offered 馒头. Xiao E picked one raisin off the man tou, ate it, said “没啦”, extended her hands for more.

After snack, xiao E played with the ding ding push cart. Mimi played with the popper. Mimi started saying “过马路”. She was quizzed what she should do when crossing the street. She looked away. She was given a choice to hold hands or be held in arms. Mimi requested “拉mama手”. She held ma ma’s hand, dragged ma ma to popper, picked it up, and started popping. It was hard to maneuver with one hand, but she didn’t let go of ma ma’s hand. She had a head on collision with xiao E. Xiao E made the most vicious face, Mimi backed down, sounded urgent whine. Ma ma repositioned Mimi’s popper, encouraged her to hit xiao E. Mimi wouldn’t go ahead. Ma ma popped xiao E’s foot for her, Mimi gave a little smile. Mimi was given back popper. Mimi popped more holding ma ma’s hand. Mimi passed by xiao E again. Mimi turned the popper and popped xiao E’s foot. Xiao E didn’t seem to mind. Mimi went into the bathroom. Ma ma let go of her hand, Mimi grunted and held ma ma’s hand, dragged ma ma into the bathroom. Ordered ma ma to “关门儿”. Frank wanted to come in, ma ma asked for Mimi’s opinion. Mimi seemed hesitant, Frank sneaked in while Mimi was deliberating. Mimi and Frank ran circles in the dark bathroom. Ma ma cracked the door open, Frank sneaked out. Mimi refused to go out. Door was closed. Under the sink the kitties’ ball plate was discovered. Mimi happily played with it, “mimi 转球”, “mimi 的盘儿”, “球出不来”, “狗狗出去啦”.

Ba ba came to check on Mimi and ma ma. Without asking, Mimi stated “Mimi 不出去”. She was inquired what was her opinion if ba ba came in. Mimi said “ba ba 进来”. Ba ba already left. Mimi poked her head out, yelled “ba ba 进来!”. Ba ba, xiao E, and Frank all sneaked in. Ba ba coordinated sissy ball play. The xiao ones took turns with many restrains from ba ba, especially for xiao E. Mimi seemed to have gotten tired of the ball and let xiao E take multiple turns. Then she came back and put her foot in the track, said “踢球”. Xiao E tried to spin the ball with her foot too, but she was not flexible enough to extend bend foot and kick.

The girls were offered shower. Ma ma showered with the girls, ba ba sat and waited. In the tub, Mimi gave ba ba a troll smile, fluffed her belly, said “Mimi 洗肚肚”. Mimi claimed the little spoon drizzler. Got some water, said “洗脸”, poured water on her face. She was a little stunned. Mimi got more water in the drizzler, said “洗脸”, poured on her face. She was choked, backed away, did the “woo woo” howling face, threw away the drizzler.

During evening play, Mimi became upset. Hearing the Mimi sirens, ma ma got up from computer, said to Mimi ma ma knew what Mimi wanted. Mimi looked at ma ma, said “ma ma 给Mimi 喝奶”. Ma ma indeed planned to offer milk to Mimi. Ma ma heated milk and gave to Mimi. Mimi pleased and drunk in the car seat. Xiao E noticed, went to Mimi, looked here and there, even lowered her head to look under the car seat, there was no milk for her. She made sour face, ran to lao lao whining. Lao lao picked her up, xiao E whined quietly "ella 的奶奶被Mimi喝啦".


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