
Mimi sat in lego box with 黄鸭, said “mimi 和鸭鸭坐车”. She sat beside the vent. She waved at the air coming out, said “不热”. Ya ya fell out. Mimi strained greatly to pick up ya ya while still stuffed in the box.

The girls were taken to neighbour story time. Ba ba graciously came to protect the xiao shy girls. Once in the car, xiao E started saying "看灯灯, 看灯灯". Once at the neighbour's, li jie ah yi said hi to xiao E, xiao E's sour face appeared, she squeezed out one wail and one tear. Xuan xuan ge ge gave xiao E a patrick, xiao E calmed down. She also noticed the christmas tree, said "球///\//////", and walked one step closer. She refused to leave 2 inch radius of ma ma. Mimi hang onto ma ma the whole time.

The girls observed other kids play in the trampoline. Mimi made a subtle bounce motion, so ma ma put her into the trampoline. She cried and grabbed onto ma ma, she was taken out. Xiao E then requested to go in. She sat in the trampoline on her knees, legs apart, smile on face. She bounced up and down with yi yi jie jie's bouncing motion. Her 嗨..嗨 smile became cackling after a bit.

Story time started, the girls were taken to sit down. Their eyes stayed with the trampoline. They occasionally focused on the story book. Xiao E asked "这是什么?" in her slow clear voice with singsong tones, many many times.

The adults were occupied with conversations, the girls climbed into the trampoline by themselves. They bounced happily. Xiao E said "ella 大便". Ba ba went to smell, declared her not stinky. 衣衣 joined them in the trampoline. 衣衣 helped the girls bounce higher. 衣衣 left, 小米came, the girls whined and called for the adults to "抱下来". Possible boy terror?

The girls played around the room. Xiao E spread her legs, stopped moving, a mountain formed in her tight pants. She was stinky.

After story time, the kids picked their penguin and snowman cups. Two cups were left. Mimi picked a snowman, hugged it tight. She had it in her arms the whole time. Xiao E picked up a penguin, lifted the snack contents out, gave to ma ma, tried to bounce the penguin a little, then abandoned it.

Once home, both girls hurried to the green truck. They played together cutely for a while, Mimi played with the xiao司机, xiao E stacked on the truck. After a while, they started fighting. Mimi took the truck to the corner, sat on it, declared it "Mimi 的". When asked whose truck it was, Mimi screamed "MIMI DE! Ella GO TO YOUR BEDA!". Xiao E was offered the red car. She stayed close to the green truck, took every chance to play with the truck head.


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