
In the morning after milk, dada asked if the girls wanted some cheerios. Mimi said “want circles” and Ella said “don’t want circles”. So dada gave a small plate of cheerios for mimi and little bites of his peanut butter sandwich to ella. After a little, ella decided she wanted cheerios and ate some of mimi’s. Mimi did not approve of it, she was territorial about her cereal.

The girls read some books by themselves. Dada joined them to read the hungry hungry caterpillar. Ella and mimi enumerated all the things the caterpillar ate. They pointed at the ice cream, the cake, the hot dog, the sausage. For some reason they thought the cheese was a pizza, we blame uncle gordon for that kind of mixup. We also looked at some books with animals, and the girls practiced animal sounds. “What does the chicken say” and they do little clucks. They asked dada “what does a strawberry say” and “what does a balloon say”. Dada did not have good answers for them, so he made up random sounds.

After some reading the girls went outside to help dada with some yard work. They first played with bubbles, chasing them around the front door area while dada filled the sky with bubbles. Mimi wasn’t paying attention and fell down the first step, but she caught herself. It was a scary ordeal though so she was pretty distressed. After calming down, they followed dada to the backyard to do some raking. Dada gave them some rakes and they did some rake assistance as well. Ella held her rake vertically and stabbed the piles dad was making. Mimi took hers and sweeped around the pile. After some raking, ella helped dada sweep the deck. She found the watering can and carried it around the deck while mimi continued to sweep her pile. Ella passed the watering can to mimi and the girls helped put all the things away. They played with some more bubbles and then it was time to go inside.

The girls ate a quick lunch and played with some legos. Ella and mimi made little stools out of the legos to sit on. Mimi put down a tiny little block and said “baba this is your chair”. Dad said “that’s too small” and mimi proceeded to build a bigger stool. They each built giant towers and said “this is mimi / ella’s chair” and then they tried to sit on them. This of course did not work. They could not raise their legs high enough to get on top and it wouldn’t even support them if they could, but they certainly tried.


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