
In the morning, Ella wanted the ceiling fan remote so grandpa gave it to her. Ella held it to her head like a phone. She said “我是狗”. Everyone was confused at this. Grandma asked what was her name? Ella responded, “Frank”. Folks are still confused but at least she’s consistent.

Xiao E had been referring everything as “ella 的”. When she asked what something was, she’d ask “这是ella的什么?”. Today xiao E was playing her little matching bee. She raised her head and noticed the door ajar. She said in the saddest voice with the most furrowed brows, “ella de 门儿开啦”. She then timidly walked to the door in her big pajamas with furrowed brows and walked out.

The adults left for food while the xiao ones started drawing. Lao lao showed the adults the drawing in the afternoon. Mimi had frantically colored a paper in various colors in horizontal lines. She called it "树枝".

Lao ye reported. Him and lao lao took the girls to the library. They reclaimed the camera the adults left there. They went around adventured with the girls. Mimi carried the blackberry music player for the day. At the cafe, lao ye noticed Mimi didn't have the blackberry. Lao ye asked where Mimi put the blackberry. Mimi stared for a second, then quickly went back to the table she was at. She looked on the table, under the table, on the chair, under the chair, this chair, that chair. She looked and looked. Then she hurried back to the kids' book shelves some distance away. Lao ye followed. Mimi looked through the shelves up and down, round and round. Then she came back to the cafe area and looked at the chairs again. A staff saw the searching Mimi and inquired what she was looking for. Lao ye reported it was a lost blackberry. The stuff presented lao ye with the blackberry they have found some time ago.

The grand parents took the girls to a new playground. Lao lao reported the playground was a long corridor, Mimi went off to play by herself way up ahead. She was not afraid of anything or anyone, she pushed forward without hesitation. Xiao E was more timid, wouldn’t go on structures with other kids. She did go on a bridge by herself while lao lao was not looking. Lao lao reported she looked proud. There was a tall sliding animal. Lao lao took xiao E to sit on it, xiao E grunted urgently. Lao lao took Mimi to sit on it, Mimi hugged animal neck and rocked, then slid down. Seeing Mimi had fun, xiao E wanted another go and had fun sliding.

The girls were offered to draw. Mimi had been saying "一起玩, 不打架" in different occasions. When drawing, Mimi said "一起画, 不打架". She rhymed.

Xiao E wanted to cut with scissors. She was denied. She was offered to be paper holder. She was asked to hold a piece of cardboard with two hands, then ma ma cut in the middle. After cutting, xiao E raised the left half of the cardboard, raised the right half of the cardboard, put down the smaller half carefully on the pile of cut paper, held the remaining half out for ma ma. She was asked to hold with two hands, she pinched the corners carefully. Ma ma cut again, xiao E compared again, and carefully put down the smaller half. Xiao E was asked to hold with both hands again, she pinched the corners even further to the edge. Ma ma cut again. Xiao E carefully put both pieces down, picked up a bigger piece, held out for ma ma to cut.

The girls were offered some paper clips to play with. Mimi took one and tried to clip lao ye’s nose. Lao ye asked why Mimi wanted to clip his nose. Mimi said “卡(qia)姥爷的鼻子.....卡(qia)姥爷的nose”.

Mimi was dressed in pajamas and given 狗狗to 遛狗ome more. She walked some steps, put down the string, said “Mimi 不遛狗啦”, “bye bye lao lao”. The adults took it as a sign to take her to bed. She was lifted. She said “bye bye lao ye, bye bye lao lao, bye bye jie jie, bye bye ba ba, bye bye 风扇, bye bye 雪人儿, bye bye 小围巾”, then “goolye (good night), goolye 灯灯, goolye 墙墙”. She was put in crib. She gave the cutest smile, said “good night Mimi, 睡觉啦”.


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