Ba ba reported: Xiao E held the blackberry when the song "好ba ba 坏ba ba" came on. She made eye contact with ba ba, stretched out her arms, quietly said "抱!". Ba ba held her on ba ba's lap, they listened to music for many minutes. Ba ba invited xiao E to touch his beard, xiao E enjoyed fluffing ba ba's scruff.
The xiao ones enjoyed their last bit of play time with the grandparents. Mimi feverishly bye'ed lao lao and lao ye from the car, all the way out of the complex. In between the byes there was a bye bye ba ba.
The girls fell asleep on the way home. About 40 minutes to 85c, xiao E started crying. The cry lasted for a few minutes, then stopped. About 10 minutes to 85c, Mimi started crying, the cry was loud and nonstop. Ma ma climbed into the back. She found a xiao E eyes wide open, smiling at her. Xiao E said "妈妈给圈圈, 给鱼鱼". Ma ma offered 圈圈, xiao E politely said "不要圈圈". Ma ma closed the lid to 圈圈. Xiao E said "妈妈盖上了". Ma ma offered 鱼鱼. Xiao E stretched out her xiao arm, said "小wuuuuu\/...要鱼uuuuu/\/". She pinched one fish, slowly brought it to her mouth, and nomed it. Mimi took some time to calm down. Then she started 要鱼 too. She held the 鱼 up, said "黄哒, 黄哒" nonstop. When asked to eat, she said "给妈妈", and returned the 鱼. After a little bit, she requested 鱼 again and started eating.
The girls were taken to 85c bakery. The line was too long, the adults changed journey to hmart. On the way to hmart, xiao E noticed many 鸟鸟s. The girls were told the english word for 鸟鸟s is birds. Mimi said "好多burr子", "oooh好高aooo", "burr子小心呦". Xiao E was mostly silent. Until the birds were out of her sight. She said in a quiver xiao voice, "鸟鸟看不着啦".
The girls arrived at hmart. They were excited to see the blow up santa and snowman. Many pleasantries were exchanged. After shopping, the girls were offered banana. Xiao E loved saying "ella eat bananaaaahhhh".
The girls were sweet and behaved well at home. Despite some sissy fights and lego hiding. Mimi asked ma ma to make lego chairs for her. After sitting on her chair for a bit, she made one for ma ma. Ma ma sat on it. Mimi picked up another lego, said "给妈妈凳凳". Ma ma stated she's content with the one Mimi already made. Mimi ordered ma ma "站起来!". Took her previous deng deng, put the block on, gave to ma ma, "给\/eiii////......妈妈凳凳".
The adults ate first thinking the girls could wait. Xiao E cried at the fence. She was taken on high chair. She rejected all the food offerings. She said "要球球". And pointed to the lollipops on the table. The adults ignored her demands. She finally ate some rice cakes cut in slices, that the adults offered as 条条. After dinner. Xiao E lingered at the fence. When she saw ma ma, she said "要球球". The adults had been telling the girls 棒棒糖 was for playing, not eating. Ma ma felt safe and gave xiao E a lollipop. Xiao E immediately twisted at the wrapper, said "打开, ella吃". Lollipop was confiscated.
After dinner the girls were left alone to play by themselves. They babbled and played. Then they made no sounds at all for a while. When ma ma came back to brush them, Mimi was found to have chunks of paper in her mouth. Also there were torn pieces of tissue neatly laid on elephant.
It was time for bed. Xiao E asked for a book, the adults thought it was no harm while Mimi got changed. She was offered the twins book, she rejected. The adults inquired what book she wanted, she urgently grunted and pointed, but did not explain herself. She was offered the hello kitty book, she rejected. She was offered nemo book, she looked hesitant, but accepted. Ma ma also grabbed pout pout fish, and was about to put it back in relief. But, Mimi grabbed ya ya, said "Mimi 抱鸭, ella 抱鱼". Plopped down, looked at ma ma expectantly. Ma ma took the nemo book and started reading. Mimi came to ma ma, flipped back to the cover, said "讲完啦". Sat back down, hugged 鸭鸭. Ma ma opened the nemo book again, Mimi whined "No!No!". When asked what she wanted, Mimi said "pout pout 鱼". The girls were offered pout pout fish.
The xiao ones enjoyed their last bit of play time with the grandparents. Mimi feverishly bye'ed lao lao and lao ye from the car, all the way out of the complex. In between the byes there was a bye bye ba ba.
The girls fell asleep on the way home. About 40 minutes to 85c, xiao E started crying. The cry lasted for a few minutes, then stopped. About 10 minutes to 85c, Mimi started crying, the cry was loud and nonstop. Ma ma climbed into the back. She found a xiao E eyes wide open, smiling at her. Xiao E said "妈妈给圈圈, 给鱼鱼". Ma ma offered 圈圈, xiao E politely said "不要圈圈". Ma ma closed the lid to 圈圈. Xiao E said "妈妈盖上了". Ma ma offered 鱼鱼. Xiao E stretched out her xiao arm, said "小wuuuuu\/...要鱼uuuuu/\/". She pinched one fish, slowly brought it to her mouth, and nomed it. Mimi took some time to calm down. Then she started 要鱼 too. She held the 鱼 up, said "黄哒, 黄哒" nonstop. When asked to eat, she said "给妈妈", and returned the 鱼. After a little bit, she requested 鱼 again and started eating.
The girls were taken to 85c bakery. The line was too long, the adults changed journey to hmart. On the way to hmart, xiao E noticed many 鸟鸟s. The girls were told the english word for 鸟鸟s is birds. Mimi said "好多burr子", "oooh好高aooo", "burr子小心呦". Xiao E was mostly silent. Until the birds were out of her sight. She said in a quiver xiao voice, "鸟鸟看不着啦".
The girls arrived at hmart. They were excited to see the blow up santa and snowman. Many pleasantries were exchanged. After shopping, the girls were offered banana. Xiao E loved saying "ella eat bananaaaahhhh".
The girls were sweet and behaved well at home. Despite some sissy fights and lego hiding. Mimi asked ma ma to make lego chairs for her. After sitting on her chair for a bit, she made one for ma ma. Ma ma sat on it. Mimi picked up another lego, said "给妈妈凳凳". Ma ma stated she's content with the one Mimi already made. Mimi ordered ma ma "站起来!". Took her previous deng deng, put the block on, gave to ma ma, "给\/eiii////......妈妈凳凳".
The adults ate first thinking the girls could wait. Xiao E cried at the fence. She was taken on high chair. She rejected all the food offerings. She said "要球球". And pointed to the lollipops on the table. The adults ignored her demands. She finally ate some rice cakes cut in slices, that the adults offered as 条条. After dinner. Xiao E lingered at the fence. When she saw ma ma, she said "要球球". The adults had been telling the girls 棒棒糖 was for playing, not eating. Ma ma felt safe and gave xiao E a lollipop. Xiao E immediately twisted at the wrapper, said "打开, ella吃". Lollipop was confiscated.
After dinner the girls were left alone to play by themselves. They babbled and played. Then they made no sounds at all for a while. When ma ma came back to brush them, Mimi was found to have chunks of paper in her mouth. Also there were torn pieces of tissue neatly laid on elephant.
It was time for bed. Xiao E asked for a book, the adults thought it was no harm while Mimi got changed. She was offered the twins book, she rejected. The adults inquired what book she wanted, she urgently grunted and pointed, but did not explain herself. She was offered the hello kitty book, she rejected. She was offered nemo book, she looked hesitant, but accepted. Ma ma also grabbed pout pout fish, and was about to put it back in relief. But, Mimi grabbed ya ya, said "Mimi 抱鸭, ella 抱鱼". Plopped down, looked at ma ma expectantly. Ma ma took the nemo book and started reading. Mimi came to ma ma, flipped back to the cover, said "讲完啦". Sat back down, hugged 鸭鸭. Ma ma opened the nemo book again, Mimi whined "No!No!". When asked what she wanted, Mimi said "pout pout 鱼". The girls were offered pout pout fish.
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