Ella 5 years old

It's Christmas again and you're almost 6! Let's see what notes I kept for your 5 year old letter :) 

This letter started in March, the US-Canada border was still closed with no signs of opening, Ms Shanda was your main caretaker. You're comfortable with her. When she worn soft clothes, you were all over her rubbing her shoulder and chest, telling her how soft she was. She got shy and stopped wearing soft clothes. You had a beading phase, a sequins phase, a bracelet phase, and lots of different paper craft phases. Our craft box was always full. I sneakily garbaged the ones on the bottom every week.

Your 温柔 ranking was lao lao > Ms Shanda > mama. But you still wanted to play with me you said. Everyday you asked me what day it was tomorrow, if I said it was going to be Ms Shanda day, you pouted and said you wished it was mama day. Except once, Ms Shanda promised to make brownies with you that coming Monday. Every day that weekend you asked, is tomorrow Ms Shanda day yet? 

When Ms Shanda comes in the morning I'd leave to work in my room, you'd say "Mama's always working. Mama is not our mama anymore. Ms Shanda is our mama." In the evening when I wanted to play with you but you were already "two playing", you'd say "Mama you can go work now / go two play with daddy, we are two playing". 

You and Mimi's two play is quite intense. Sometimes Mimi dictates more, sometimes you dictate more. Just when I thought I might need to step in and change the dynamic, you change it yourselves. Most of the time you make up a story by taking turns talking for a few sentences each. You do this while running back and forth around the room. It usually goes like this: you happily make up story for about 10 minutes, you talk more, Mimi doesn't seem to care, but then the story takes a wrong turn, and Mimi yells at you for talking more and not giving her a turn, you yell back and forth for a bit. Half the time you make up and continue. Half the time you start fighting, occasionally a bloody scratch fight. But mostly you tire yourselves out and come for us for a snack or some other entertainment. One time after two play you produced birthday Charizard and birthday Blastoise - two colored Pokemon sheets. We hang them on the wall. You've maintained they must stay on the wall, until this day in December. 

You can keep talking for a long time. One day you accompanied me while I worked, then showered, then showered you, for more than an hour, you kept talking. For a good 10 minutes you were just repeating 水uiiiiii, 火uooooo, ciiiii (the sound of spraying water), 水灭火uoooo, ciiiiii. I enjoy listening to you. In March your favorite story was about 豚and豹. I love when you say 小妈,来!And start telling me a story about tun and bao. (You insisted on calling me 小妈, not妈妈, because I was cute. ) There're other stories too. You told me one about all the pads and tampons, how they went to each other's places and collected leaves. I had to get a cake out of the oven in the middle, when I came back you already stuffed the tampons and pads back into the cabinet. You then told me a story about towels and how one liked to lay on another. You told me about many towels that liked to lay on one another, and the towel layers got thick while I got the cake ready. Mimi pooped and wanted a butt wipe in the middle, I went to help her, you grabbed my shirt and said "让爸爸take, 我给你讲".

You like to have me sit with you while you poop. You'd wait for me in the bathroom and yell "I can't poop because mama's not here". I'd come, you'd plop plop to the toilet, because you'd have your pants down, and start tell me a story. 豚说你要上学。鲸说你要上学。Repeat 3 times. Then,豚说你有两个星,鲸说你也有两个星. Repeat 3 times. 他们就打架了,鲸扔了一个球,豚说dolph, dolph, dolph. 豚踢鲸,鲸说jing, jing, jing. 

You're still rejecting meat. Except if it's on pizza, and except if it's chicken nuggets. You don't need sauce for chicken nugget, and can finish piece after piece. What's your chicken nugget secret?

You missed lao lao a lot, you talked about missing lao lao a lot. You wanted all the family to be living peacefully together in the same room. Even after you argue with Mimi, and baba and I needed to keep you apart to cool down, you asked why Mimi was not in the room, and whined for Mimi to come back. Mimi threatening to run away is the greatest tragedy, you would shriek at the top of your lungs, and drag me by my sleeve to go check on Mimi. After I threatened to do nothing if you don't stop shrieking, you'd hold your cry, but your lips would quiver so sadly. 

When I praise you for doing a good job, cleaning up well, being patient, you'd say sternly "我不想听你夸我", and give me a stern finger point. If I don't praise you, you'd lean really close and ask if I liked what you did. You do this more with Mimi. We just went sledding, where you pushed baba and Mimi to start the sled, after we came home, you stopped Mimi at the door, leaned close (Mimi had to lean back), and asked, did you like how I pushed you? You'd give a stern little nod if we agreed. 

We suddenly thought about Pokemon one day in March. That night's 2 goodnight videos were Pokemon. You were so interested! I installed Pokemon Go a few days later to get you girls to walk around the neighborhood with me. We took a picture with a Chinchou in the front yard, and found a Raticate on your bed. You'd accompany me to stormwater to do a raid, and told passerby "We're catching Pokemon". One day when Ms Shanda came, you ran in front of her, held your hands together close to your chest, and reported to her formally "Hey Ms Shanda, daddy says mewtwo might be bad, but sister likes mewtwo". In the summer I spent a lot of time prepping and interviewing. Lots of rejections, but I pulled through and got a job at Niantic, just in time for you to tell me "we don't like Pokemon anymore, we like dinosaurs now". Anyhow, I'm excited, we can brave a new job & new kindergarten life together.

You started kindergarten! You immediately liked Benjamin, the only other kindergarten kid in the Y. He sounds like a fun kid. And his hair looks really soft like you say, you were really excited to report that one day you touched his hair and confirmed it was soft. 

You've had some adventures at school. One day you said a girl called Orelie wanted to play with you, she had to ask permission from Ben to play with you. Ben said yes and you played, and it was fun. A week later, we picked up Mimi without a shoe. Mimi said her shoe fell and Orelie took it, but she was not sure. We asked if Orelie bullied her. You said loudly Orelie is my friend! I like Orelie! The shoe was found later at an unknown spot on the playground by Hudson.

November came and lao lao is back! You've settled into school, hating most days but loving some. When you get a soar ticket, or get a reward at the Y, or see Mark climbing Max at the Y. I'm level 40 in Pokemon Go btw ^^b

You're nudists. In the winter, all 光光. Running around in your bedroom in the coldest of nights doing your two play. You still have lots of fun two playing. It had transitioned from being lao and being ye, to 
being Aitle and Harrison (or other classmates). Although lao and ye are still a regular occurrence. We usually need a 2nd and 3rd and 4th tuck. I do love to use you as pillows while I tuck you, and listen to your little hearts pumping.

Your cuddle is not gentle and sweet anymore T_T you claw my head and ask me if it hurts, but then afterwards you'd 贴蛋儿 with me and ask me if it hurts. you say you love my puff and awwws, but when you pet me you're always pushing it flat hard, 瘪ing me. "if you 毛me, I wont' have time to 毛 you" you say. You got that tendency to 欺负 and "no time" from me.

You're sensitive and sweet. You cried when clement sat on you. You then asked Mimi why Mimi didn't cry when Clement sat on her, Mimi said "I didn't feel it". You were sad your parents are not people, we're aspirinbottle and dinosaur. You cried when your favorite colored pen dried out. You cried when you realized a day wasn't all sunny. You cried when you heard Frank died. You cried when you were laying in bed and thought about lao ye, he was leaving in 3 more days to go back to Surrey, "I don't want lao ye to leave because I have so much fun playing with her." (yes her). Life is disappointing. Hang in there!

We've been doing more homework. Maybe it's too much, tell me when you grow up, wether the cramming helped or diminished your will to learn. One time I was making you spell, you yelled "I can't do too many doj doj". It's dog. I love when you combine English and Chinese, when you tell your sister to "你先和你self玩", small quirky English like "I grow uped".'
I called you my 小爱 one day, and you said 不要叫我小爱!你是我的小爱!We'll be each other's 小爱 <3


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