mimi letter 3 year old

Happy 3rd birthday Mimi!

We've had conflicts this year. Last July 21st you got sick. I took Ella to see a drum performance at the library, and left you to cuddle with ba ba. Ba ba cuddled you then, and that night, and the next day, and you were ba ba's Mimi. For a while you wouldn't let me lift you out of the car, and stuck to ba ba during outings. Luckily you behaved very well when it was just us. (Except when you drank the fountain water at Microsoft with a bottle cap you found in the grass.) Maybe you were scared of me, which was sad. So I cheered myself up by observing your cute explorations. And enjoying when you grabbed on my pants when passersby commented on how cute you were. Fortunately we grew close again this year. Although with happiness comes trouble. Recently I helped you fish a toy outside of the baby gate at night, and you've been inviting me to join your nightly role play with Ella. Moving from bed to bed every 15 seconds picking at blanket food is a good workout. Ella has been pulling you away when I play with you, because "you are not ma ma's baby, you're ba ba's baby". Ba ba's still your favorite person. When you fell down today, you immediately called for ba ba, and clung to him while he carried you away to band-aid you up. I'm glad you and ba ba click so well. I hope we have more happy times together.

When I was writing the first half of this letter in late April, ba ba and I were discussing a lot about your multiple times a day rage outbursts. You'd share toy or food with Ella, but she rejected your offer sometimes, and other times refused to share with you. Those moments upset you greatly. You'd turn into the cutest crying mess, slapping furiously at your legs. Ba ba spent large amounts of time holding and comforting you. And while you lay in ba ba's arms sniffling, I found openings to kiss your cute crying face. Just after we returned from the late April Surrey trip, your rage ended. You didn't break down when Ella rejected your offers, or when she didn't share. You still threw nearby objects at Ella with as much vigor, but could almost always pull yourself away from the situation and focus on something else. You shared even more with Ella. You never refused Ella's requests to share deserts, even though she rarely shared deserts with you. When Ella asked, you always replied with enthusiastic ke yi - allowed, or ke yi YA - allowed! Serving pretend food to ba ba and I were one of your favorite games. I'm writing this by a mountain of Lego cakes you've served me. And one tampon in shiny wrapper, which you repeatedly offered to me as a sparkle lollipop. Thank you Mimi!

I love when you uncontrollably laugh. Once you got angry at Ella and was in a slapping rage, when Ella ran to you and said "hu la la". You cracked up and couldn't stop laughing. After a few hu la la's, you ran off with Ella and hu la la'ed around the house. 

I love your happy shuffling feet. They became especially light when you saw us preparing desserts. You skipped in circles with high speed, like the floor was lava and you loved it. You loved serving us toy food from the furthest corners of the house. Or simply doing laps around the room. At night we hear your footsteps sprinting in the bedroom. And we pray you tire yourself out before midnight. You started strong from the first day you walked. Lao lao had laboriously held Ella's hands and did laps with her for days. You were not interested in hand holding. One day when we were sitting around the dining room, you spread your legs apart, pushed yourself up, and started walking. Soon you were springing up at random spots in the house, and toddled in big strides. It was very cute. Although I miss your lizard crawl - super fast shuffles each of small distance. You active little bug!

Legs were one part of your bursty package. When Ella started talking, she talked a lot and crowded lao lao. I was afraid it might discourage you from talking, and tried to always ask you a question when Ella talked to me. Then you started talking, a lot, in the cutest high pitched airy voice, faster and faster. Once you rapped 白龙马 - white dragon horse, super fast while getting all the words correct, when a horse walked by while ba ba was buckling you into the car. You finished by the time ba ba sat in his seat. I love the way you pronounce words. When you pronounce 'th' for 's'. 死 si is thii, with huge eyes and a touch of spit. Happy face is happy faith, with your tiny tongue tip in between your teeth, and fingers poked deep in the cheeks, or pushing your eyes upwards. I love when you roll your tongue hard for the 儿-er sound. When we arrived at lao lao's for memorial day, you asked me to open to fridge, and asked where was the 肠rrrr? You remembered they were on the top fridge compartment when we left after the tulips. They disappeared mysteriously. I love the way you slurp on the u sounds, 鱼 (yu), 具 (ju)。The way you say 工具 (gong ju, tool) make screwdrivers cute. I love when you put so much energy and emotion in your warnings. When you whisper heavily for me to get out of the bathroom when you poop, because "it's hen daaa - very big, and it'll be hen chouuu - very stinky."

When your legs rest, you focus on your hands. You built tall towers, sprawling blocks, and long lines of standby army of toys. Once we were at R's, we finished eating and found a huge sprawling pipe line you built. With about 90 out of the 102 pieces of the pipe set. You have cute descriptions for your creations too. Soon after you turned two you threw a towel on the ground and stood on it, said it was a skateboard. A piece of Lego dangling on another piece is cow. You built tiny Lego chairs that you sat on, and Lego boots that combine to a ladder. You crafted with other materials too. Pieces of torn tissues were horses. There were lots of worms and snakes. You drew long legged creatures, fish, and tadpole with your big strokes and furious dotting.

You used to lift your arm to hide your face whenever someone talked to you. When we lowered your arm, you closed your eyes, stretched your mouth open showing your clenched teeth, and nodded until you could cover your face again. Around 3 you graduated to covering your face with your hands. This was cuter because your hands are so small and your huge cheeks spilled out from the sides. I look forward to when you share your cute voice and huge eyes (which you insisted were small, and only ba ba's eyes were big) with the world. Add oil sweet xiao mi!


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