02/02/2019 - saturday

Last night after tucking in the girls, they wilded in the room, opening and closing the door. When I went up to check, I heard hurried running from the hall way then a slam of the door, then brief quietness. We decided to leave the girls be since they were playing well with each other. I went to bed soon after since I was very tired. I hear the girls constant talking. James reported they didn't go to sleep until midnight.

Tonight after tucking in the girls, they wilded in their room. I went to check, Ella said 爸爸会批评我们的。I said shhhh, the girls shhhhh'ed and went quite. As soon as I came downstairs they resumed wilding. After a while I heard a slam and Ella cry. I came upstairs, Mimi was peeking through the door at me, said 爸爸妈妈姐姐痒痒。不是。爸爸妈妈姐姐疼疼。Ella came to me with teary eyes and held a finger, said 手指头疼eeeeng. I asked if it was a door pinch. Ella said Mimi关门挤到我的手指。I kissed her and said shhh. The girls chuckled, I went downstairs, they wilded. Now it's 10:43, the girls just came out of the door briefly, screamed 王子公主ahhh then went back.

A little after 11:10 Ella started crying. I went up. Mimi was at the door already and said 爸爸妈妈姐姐想念你们。I came in. Ella was in the blanket laying in Mimi's bed. She whined Mimi坏!Mimi immediately said 姐姐坏。我们都坏。Ella said Mimi拉了我的头发。Mimi said 姐姐拉了我(emphasis)的头发。I told the girls they only had each other to play with, so they can decide to fight or make up. Ella said 要盖被。I asked her to lay down. I found hai tun and her pillow off the bed and put them back. Ella walked to her bed, pick up hai tun and threw it far back in one swing, proceeded to lay down, said 海豚坏。他揪了豹的毛。I asked was it true. She repeated 他揪了豹的毛。I tucked her in. Mimi kept saying she had something in her nose, she had some dried boogers, after many wipes she also let me tuck her in. They had not made a sound since.


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