01/20/2019 - sunday

The girls went to Ira's for playdate. Ella fell asleep on the way home from trader joes. Mimi stayed awake for another 40 minutes. I took her out, pottied, then went back and headed to Ira's. On the way, Mimi threw her seal off the seat. I pulled into an apartment complex and gave it back to her. She sweetly kissed seal, then murmured about seal all the way until I got to lake hills connector. I got to Ira's block, but took a wrong turn into a deadend, while I was turning Ella said 我们到姥姥姥爷家了。I informed her it's not quite. I turned out of the deadend and got to Ira's, Ella asked where it was. I took her in. Ira offered her a cookie, she tilted her head and said hmmmm. Ira offered her pineappke, she tilted her head and said hmmmm. I went to check on Mimi, I returned and Ira said Ella told her 他只吃饼干。And showed her the ziploc with gold fish I gave her when we left trader joe's. Ira offered her a book, she slightly tried to hide behind me. Ira got a bag with peppa on it, she laughed and started playing with the toys. She played quietly with occasional ma ma calls for 20 minutes plus, then I got Mimi. Ira also got xixi. Xi xi observed the girls play with a smile, getting into a toy when one of the girls left, and played with the girls in turns. There was much cordial play for an hour or so. In that time Ella took the seal and Mimi cried sadly for 海豹oooo. Ella returned it.

Xi xi asked me to read a book. The girls got their hai tun and hai bao and listened. It was a book with many words and few pictures, and I had to ask Ira how to read a few words. The girls were good and listened closely. Xi xi came and sat on my lap after a while. She then started pinching the hai tun and hai bao in turn, then she tried to take a toy, then it got into a 3 way clothes drag, ending with xi xi pulling on Ella's hair and Ella's cry attracted Ira who came to discipline xi xi. Ella said 他拉我的头发 with little tears. The girls resumed playing something else. Mimi dropped her hai bao to play with an electronic toy. Xi xi took the hai bao and ran around and played with it. Ella protested xi xi taking the hai bao, Mimi took some looks but went back to the toy. I chatted with Ira a little, then we heard Ella whine 希希踩我 and came at us with cerned face. I said it must be an accident. She kept saying 希希踩我。I tooke a closer look and xi xi was standing on the hai tun while holding the hai bao. I laughed, Ira asked xi xi to let go, xi xi ran with hai bao upstairs.

I continued chatting with Ira. The girls played with toys a little, then went to the stairs, we heard them talking. Then Ella came back to us while murmuring things like 我不给希希海豚。希希拉了我的头发。希希把海豚拿走了。跑到楼上了。She paced around the room and complained about the incident. Then she said 希希好可恶!And made a fist and very cerned face. We laughed it off. She complained and walked back to the stairs, where her and Mimi started saying 希希会知道什么是灾难。灾难!海豹会咬他。Ira and I went to check on them. It was just the girls at the foot of the stairs, xi xi not in sight. Ella said 希希做坏事了。Ira asked if she should spank xi xi. Ella said 是的!我们打她!Mimi joined 海豹咬他。We went upstairs to check. Xi xi was apparently in Frank's room. Frank took her out, she held onto hai bao tight. Ella pointed her and said seriously 这是男孩的玩具。女孩子不能玩。他太吵了。 We asked who was this boy she spoke of. She pointed towards her back and said 他是男孩。Mimi said 海豹的爸爸不让!Ella said 他是男孩。我的头发长我是女孩。Then went to Mimi and pointed at her head, said 他的头发短他是男孩。Frank stated he saw no difference in the hair length. Ella pointed at Mimi's head again, said 他有辫子。他有毛毛辫儿。他是男孩。Ira got some of xi xi's toy and asked xi xi to pick one to trade with mimi. Xi xi offered Mimi a minnie mouth, Mimi said 不要!Xi xi offered another and it was 不要!ed again. Ira asked which toy Mimi liked. Mimi strethed her arms and said 海豹!Xi xi dropped the hai bao and hugged all three toys. She showed the girls the fox and said this is xx先生。The book we were reading had a mr fox by that name, although I forgot the name now.. The girls all happily came downstairs and crawled as spiders.  Then chased each other around the kitchen island.


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