01/15/2019 - tuesday

The girls got into the car well. I was packing lunch when ba ba led them into the laundry room. Mimi said 等一等妈妈和姐姐。Ella went into the laundry room and ba ba urged the girls to go into the garage. Mimi said 等一等妈妈。When I arrived the girls happily went in the car. After Mimi run a couple loops around the car saying something about watching 博物馆 peppa episode in the car.

I played the episode for the girls. Mimi asked to watch more, I gave her two choice, she paused for a few seconds, then said 要看校车旅行。Which wasn't any of the choices, but luckily I had on my phone. We watched it. Then I asked Ella to pick an episode. Mimi said 要看博物馆。I said it was Ella's turn to pick, Mimi said Mimi帮Ella选一集。I asked Ella if it was ok, Ella agreed. I asked again if Ella wanted to pick one herself or let Mimi pick one, Ella said hmmm. Mimi yelled 我给Ella选一集。I asked Ella if it was ok, Ella agreed. I let Mimi see the playlist, Mimi clicked in between 小屋 and 小火车。I asked if she wanted to watch 小火车,she said 我要给姐姐看书屋那集。We watched the treehouse episode.

After the episode ended we were almost at daycare. Mimi asked for another episode, I said we could watch a little, but were they going to cry when we got to daycare? Ella said 我不会哭闹。我是大女孩儿了。Mimi was silent for a while, then said 我会哭。We pulled into the daycare parking lot and both girls cried.

We went into the daycare. Ella murmured about 憋不住了。I took her to her classroom's bathroom, she took a pee. She cried and dropped many tears on the toilet. When she was done, she said 要抱抱亲亲妈妈哟。要不我会寂寞的。We hugged and kissed, she also found ba ba to hug and kiss, then cried by the cupboard when we left.


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