01/14/2019 - monday

Mimi cried at night. I found her sitting upright on her bed. I put hai bao in her arms, she hugged it tight, and cried into haibao's nose intermittently. I petted her pillow, she wouldn't lay down. After a while she let out a long cry into the air for ba ba. I asked if she'd like to lay down herself or have me lay her down. She said 妈妈帮我躺下。I helped her lay down and tucked her in. She stopped crying immediately. All through this Ella was snoring and making blurb blurb sounds. I checked on her and her mouth was open and somehow making the blurb sounds from her lips while she breathed.

In the morning I thought I was dreaming someone knocking on the door, I woke up and heard no sound. I almost fell asleep again when I heard knocking and crying. I opened the door. An Ella greeted me with 我憋不住了。I walked her downstairs while she repeated 我憋不住了 all the way down. I put her on the toilet, she peed, then said 我不想打扰妈妈。我只是要尿尿。She went back to bed afterwards, It was a little after 7:10 after I went back to bed. After we got up again around 8, Ella slept until 8:30 when I forcefully called her up.

The girls had an easy morning. They got into the car with little bargain. Ella asked 为什么不关门啊。I let her walk through the room to check all the doors, she looked at each, murmured something like 妈妈们关上了,爸爸门关上了,then all the way back into the laundry room and went into the car. Mimi was already there after a fake pee. Ella asked for color after getting to daycare, gave me and James a hug and a kiss and went to color without looking back. Mimi had a harder time, after a lot of 擦鼻子 requests, started asking for 画画 while dragging on baba's hand, after ba ba directed her to ask ms. haleemah for paper, she also went without looking back.


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