01/09/2019 - wednesday

I tried to wake the girls up in the morning with a new playlist in duo duo er ge app. The song had 三字经 in it. Ella said 这是学习的歌。这是姥爷学习的歌。The song went over what lao ye read to them back in Surrey. Ella started saying 不一样呢。I said lao ye haven't gotten to this part. Ella said 他需要买新的。买新的。。就可以上课了。。他用钱。。钱买新的。

Mimi requested to take a banana into the car. Yesterday she wanted a banana too, today I gave her a banana also. She also had her hai bao. She sat in the seat, said 我要坏斑马兔。The girls had been calling the zebra bunny bad and refusing to hold them and instead making us go back to the house to get hai bao. Ba ba gave her the zebra bunny. Mimi said 我有两个动物。两个动物和一个香aaang蕉ooo。With much emphasis on the 香蕉。

I took Ella to the bathroom at microsoft. She stood by the door, pointed at the sign, said 穿着裙子。She pointed at the men's said 没有穿裙子。I said the one wearing the qun zi is a girl. Ella said 我们上女孩儿的厕所。


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